Hopefully the drug used to treat malaria in the 50s (Chloroquine) will be found effective and we can resume our lives. It has already been cleared by the FDA for testing.
Wonder if this is the same medicine used in the Vietnam war?
As a medic I used to give a "daily/daily" malaria tablet to the platoon in Vietnam, and a big orange one once a week.
It was impressed on me in training to make certain that the men took the pills. My job was "to conserve fighting strength" by keeping them healthy. (This was also ingraved on my Zippo)
Both tabs gave you the trotts - to the extent that it was more efficient in the bush to simply slice the crotch out of your fatigues, to save time.
Troops hated them...and would often spit them out. Some decided clean sheets and round-eyed nurses sounded better - so they spat their's out as well.
You were also supposed to keep taking them for awhile after you got back to
The World. (America)
I've heard that Zippo will fix these old lighters for free - but I wouldn't trust anyone with it. The lighter and two pair of bandage scissors, is all I have from that experience - besides, I quit smoking a long time ago. It used to have some pretty enameling in it.