Have had these same thoughts for years to feed all my toys. I go thru about 100 gallons a month if I am able to pkay alot. It isnt all play, typically 12-15 gal per month for grassmowing 30-40 gal in boat, yep that puts food on the table so a necessity, lawn trimmers, utv, chain saw, and all that misc stuff. Winter time doesnt take much, but long term storage can be a problem. I am told not to store for more than 3 months or it will degrade noticibly. Small quanities are about 6 months because you can add fresh to the old and it wont be noticible. Next problem is home insurance....most polocies limit to 5-10 gal MAX on premisus. I pay an extra fee for all the toys ( fuel using) as I typically have 35 gallons or more of fuel in my equipment at one time in one bldg. Bug brother is gonna get ya, one way or another!!