Cheng Shins? Also known as CST (Cheng Shin Tyres?) also known as... the budget brand for Maxxis :O
I have never really understood the hatred for Maxxis on this forum. I've never had a bad tyre from them. I do wonder if we get different ones to the states. My old bike racer friend switched to them permanently from Pirellis, he liked them that much.
I'm from Cornwall in the UK. If two cars fit, they go through. Kissing wing mirrors is acceptable. If two won't go, you both slam on the brakes and then one of you reverses at an irresponsible speed until there's enough space. There aren't many ditches down in that part of the country so you can get as close to the hedge as your paintwork can tolerate
My beef with Maxxis.
My Liberty's 14"rear Maxxis went past the wear bars before 6000 miles.
Same rider, same route, approx same weight scooter, on 12" wheel went over 12,ooo miles on a City Grip.
Wet grip was better on the City Grip, too.
No CG avail for the Liberty, so had to go with Angels...install this winter I hope.
True, the front 16" Maxxis looks barely used after 65oo miles.... (even with a plug in it)