Reminds me of an old Morecambe & Wise (UK comedy duo from the 60's) sketch where one would say "It's nice out isn't it?" To which the other (Morecambe I think) would respond "Yes, but you'd better put it away, there's a policeman coming!" Oh the British love a good double entendre.
One month post hip replacement. Hope the surgeon allows me to ride again soon.
Ah! That gag takes me back!
I have a close chum who is sadly now terminally ill and with whom my wife and I have previously spent many a happy year sailing on his boat around the UK coast. On the occasions when just he and I were sailing together, our habitual early morning ritual used to consist of a paraphrased version of the old Eric & Ernie gag - Whilst afloat, whomsoever first arose would stick their nose out into the cockpit and if clement would announce: "Ooh! It's quite nice out!", to which the inevitable muffled retort from below would be, "Oh good, is it? In that case, I'll get mine out!".
Without wishing to get too lavatorial, we also had another little ritual, usually exercised after a run ashore and following the inevitable half dozen or so alcoholical libations. One or other of us would usually have to clumsily blunder topsides in the middle of the night to answer a necessary call of nature, inevitably waking the other in the process prompting a joint exercise. Standing on the coaming a fathom (six feet) or so above the water, and jettisoning the liquid excesses of the evening before whilst hanging on to the shrouds for support and staring at the stars, (ensuring of course that one's aim was pointed to leeward), one or other of us would usually exclaim, "Oooh! the water is a bit cold". This would prompt the canned response of, "yes, and the bottom is a bit gravelly too!"
Schoolboy stuff but good fun nonetheless! I'm not sure this will translate fully for our colonial cousins but I'm sure the gist will come across....