Geez guys, it's not that much work to wire up LED lights, and you certainly don't have to go under the machine. I mounted my light bar to the roof and ran the wires along the side of the roll cage and down through the opening where the roll cage bars go down into the front end of the machine. Once the wires were down through, I just took them into the battery box. I also have my lights connected to a rocker switch that is in the dash. The rocker switch has an in-line fuse. All the exposed wires are held securely in place with black zip ties. Once installed on the roll bar and with the excess trimmed off, they are hardly noticeable. I don't think it took me more than a couple hours to do the whole job, from drilling mounting holes in the roof and installing the light bar to running the wires and getting the terminals hooked up to the battery.
If you have a light bar with a plug that goes into the 12V outlet, I am sure that is the "easiest" way to do it. But if you are looking for a more permanent install and don't want wires floppinig around inside the cab every time you are using your lights, a permanent installation hard wired into the battery box is a much preferable method, IMO.