this wider sparkplug gap does not have any significant side-effect and harmful doing on your motor.
Your scoot needs, to burn off this oily stuff from your sparkplug, a few miles until its heated up enough to do a selfcleaning.
So, If you start your scoot and just let it idle, the sparkplug will look darkish oily.
But the fuel has to come from somewhere?
If it would be a carb-motor, I would say it's the level valve which is faulty.
On your injection is a fuel line too, which leads to your injector,...
Look around there, where the fuel is getting to.
There are two idle-regulation screws, check up on them but do NOT losen this two hex-bolts which fix your ECU.
Thumb rule Compression Test::
-sparkplug out and away
-GLOVED finger on/into sparkplug thread
-ignition on and start
-GLOVED finger should be airblowed away from ...
-NO blowing away, compression tester borrowed from somewhere and...