I changed the oil and filter along with my aor filter. Pleased with the result i took my GG300i on a 140 mile round trip. The morning after my return a drip of black oil was underneath the scooter. I checked the oil filter and drain plugs -all tight. The next day 2 drops of oil. So i clean the underside of the engine. The next day no drops. It looks like the leak is from the top of the engine. So, today i take off the seat to look. Its very dirty under the throttle body. As i'm cleaning, i keep finding very grimey chunks of something that looks broken. I take off the air filter and find more hard chunks under the starter motor. I can't find anything broken though. When i was the chunks to identify them. I think they are chunks of the roadway kicked up by the tites but not caught by the skirt. Its amazing how many i find. I still can't find the source4 of the minor oil leak.