Decided to do some more testing of Noodoe navigation on my ride I am planning today. I made a few more changes to the settings that I think were causing issues for me before. When I last used Noodoe navigation I had it set to shortest route and to avoid highways. That last bit may have been my problem since I was constantly being routed to gravel roads that branched off of the highway I was on. With Google Maps and also Garmin units avoiding highways means to avoid Interstate or big fast highways which is what I usually do, but if I happen to end up on one of those the system automatically follows that road until the next logical economical exit. Maybe by turning off the avoid highways and setting navigation for fastest route it will work better for me.
I did find a limitation I didn't know about before. There are only 8 waypoints allowed in a single route!
The last few years I've been using my cell phone and Google Maps for navigation. Google Maps Navigate allows only 10 stop points. This really has not been a big issue to me since I can plan a route with 10 or fewer stop points from start to lunch and then another route from lunch to destination so the limited number of stop points was handled. The one issue I have with Google Maps Navigate is that when each stop point is reached navigation stops until you specifically tap on the continue button. That is really the only issue I have using Google Maps... Well, that and the issue with rain drops running down my screen acting like random finger presses all over the screen making the phone go crazy. My phone has the same water resistance rating as the current dedicated GPS units, IP68, so having my phone out in the rain is not an issue. It's just those darn drops running down the screen.
So because of those two issues with Google Maps I was looking forward to Noodoe navigation. I am still working out about possibly doing like I did with Google Maps Navigate... making multiple routes that I can run one after the other. Will see how that works or if it will.