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Kymco AK 550 heated grips
« on: December 30, 2021, 03:21:28 PM »
There have been reports in the past of issues with the heated grips. In the first few years of the AK 550 there were posts I've read about the grips melting from the heated grips system being too hot or maybe it was more likely the grip material itself was too soft and not up to par for using with grip heaters. The day I picked my AK 550 up from the dealer I did use the heated grips on the first leg of my trip home 180 miles. I didn't turn them on more than the lowest setting and they worked great the entire time. I used them a few times after that as well, always at the lowest setting since that was plenty of heat for the temps I was riding in at the time.

Last month, just as a back up in case the grip heat wasn't enough, I temporarily installed my heated gloves wire harness. I have used both the heated grips and the heated gloves at the same time once or twice after that.

When I did that I had the grip heat turned up to the middle setting, and just to test how hot they could be I set them at the highest setting for a short time. So far every time I used both glove and grip heaters the grip heaters indicated a fault, flashing red LED indicator on the left grip, and the system shut down. Every time that happened I had the grip heat set to the middle or high setting. I was thinking that maybe it was an issue with sensors in the grip heaters having an issue with the glove heater wires being energized. So I tried the heated grips on some rides while wearing my heated gloves but without turning on the heated gloves and the system was working great. So I thought maybe it was a fluke. I only had the grip heat set to the lowest setting during these rides.

A few days ago I rode with only the heated grips turned on to the highest setting. The temp was significantly colder than before at around 15F so I wanted to see if the high setting on the grip heat would be enough. I did not have the heated gloves turned on this time either. But after only ONE mile the grip heaters issued a fault with the flashing red LED. So I think there is a problem that needs to be resolved with the heated grips.

I sent an email (for a record of when this is reported) to my nearest Kymco service center and am waiting a reply about getting warranty service on this issue. I sent the email last night and also since this is a holiday weekend I really don't expect a reply until sometime next week so we'll see what happens.

I am thinking that it would be a really poor implementation of a grip heater system if they cannot handle being used in cold temps. I mean, isn't that exactly when they are supposed to be used? Everything else on the AK is working flawlessly. I even had one ride at temps several degrees colder than it was on this last ride but was only using my heated gloves and the bike is working perfectly in the cold weather.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2022, 02:11:51 AM by rjs987 »
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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips issue
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2021, 03:33:11 PM »
As I'm thinking about this issue I remember that I've had my phone plugged into the USB port in the left glove box each time. Actually almost every time I ride since I'm usually also running Noodoe navigation on most of my rides just to become accustomed to how it works.

During very cold rides I notice that my phone doesn't charge like it does when the temps are slightly warmer. That's actually subjective since I'm referring to temps below 20F vs above 30F. At those colder temps, below 20F my phone doesn't seem to charge while plugged into the USB port. If my phone was in my pocket, which I have done a few times, it also drains the battery fast while riding in cold temps like that. When the temps are above 30F my phone charges fully in a short time while plugged into the USB port.

This may be a clue that I need to test out. The USB power port and the storage box LED light AND the Heated grips are all on the SAME fuse. It could be that the current draw on the heated grips when set to the middle or high setting in addition to my phone being cold and drawing more than normal on the USB port just to maintain is too much for the system. So next time I ride in very cold temps I'll have to NOT plug in my phone and set the grip heat to high just to see if it still fails.

If it does not fail then I would intend to rewire the USB port to an AUX fuse block that I intend to install anyway. If the heated grips still fail at the high setting in very cold rides the we're back to a warranty issue. Though I would think that combining those systems on one fuse should not be an issue if it was done right.
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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips issue
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2022, 04:03:52 PM »
I really doubt that the phone charging would really cause such a high load that the system couldn't handle it. The USB port is maxed out at 10W (2 amp max). But I could see maybe that being enough to push the load over while also using the heated grips on high, or even maybe to marginal with grip heat set to medium.
So just to verify that theory about amps or load on the system while using the heated grips at the high setting...

I eliminated everything but what the factory intends to be turned on when the heated grips are used. Nothing was plugged into any USB port nor the Battery Tender cable. I started the AK in my garage and turned on the grip heat to the highest setting. I let it idle like that for over 10 minutes, maybe 15. The grip heat stayed on with no issues.

The ride this morning was in temps around zeroF (-17.8C). Again, nothing was connected that the factory didn't install. I put the grip heat on the high setting. Just over a mile down the road the grip heat threw the fault indication (red LED flashing and then off) and shut down.

Heated grips are intended to be used when temps are colder. Right? So why would a heated grips system fail when temps are colder?
To me this indicates a defective heated grips system. Maybe the controller or the heaters cannot operate in the cold? That would be contrary to the intended purpose of the system.
I have an email sent to the nearest Kymco service and maybe I'll attempt to send another to KymcoUSA as well.
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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips issue
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2022, 04:44:46 AM »
Been thinking on this issue and also continuing to research possible reasons. Some posts in other forums I've found have mentioned about a temperature restriction or limit on the heated grips system of other bikes, including a BMW R1200GS. Seems on some bikes several modules turn off when the temp is extremely low. I know that cold temps reduce the battery capability to maintain a charge. And if there is a danger that if the battery charge could become too low to start the bike due to a combination of extreme cold and other modules on the bike draining too much or putting more load than the alternator can overcome then those non-essential modules begin to be shut down... including even ABS on some bikes. There may be something similar happening with my AK 550 though not exactly the same as this seems to be different on different bikes. Tomorrow will be around 35F and many days next week will be the same or warmer so I will be testing the high setting on the grip heat to see if that is the issue. With above freezing temps I do not expect there to be any problem with the alternator keeping up with the load. The only concern I have about this is that the grip heat on low seems to work great at any temp, even low 20sF. So maybe there is something to this idea or maybe not. It is possible that because I do ride in near zeroF temps I'll just have to use my heated gloves at those low temps and only use the heated grips at warmer than 25F.

I did order a pair of handlebar muffs and based on how well my Gerbing gloves were working even without the heat controller plugged in this morning on my ride at zeroF temps I think the muffs would work well even without heated gloves at that temp or even below and possibly with the low grip heat setting. But it's still a bummer that the heated grips don't work at really cold temps on anything higher than the low setting.
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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips issue
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2022, 09:06:33 AM »
@rjs, if I remember well, on my BMW R1200 GS, was one of the early oil heads about 1993-94, there was the same issue in combination with ABS light ON during cold starts. Remedy, but only for short, was a new battery. We never really found out its cause.
Cold start, ABS light on, after few minutes of running, motor off, new start and NO ABS warning light.
Happy and safe scootering, Ruffus


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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips issue
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2022, 09:48:20 PM »
I think that is what's happening with my AK. Went out to grab a few tags today. Rode 21.7 miles and made 3 stops along the way. Temp was about 29F to 30F (-1.6C to -1.1C) the entire way. I had the grip heat set to high all the way around. The first leg was the longest leg at just over 9 miles and the grip heat worked flawlessly the entire way. I wore my lighter winter gloves and the high heat setting kept my hands warm, though I could feel a chill on the back of my fingers. That chill was just OK due to how warm the palm side of my hands were. The second leg was just 2.6 miles and I decided to plug in my phone to the USB power port for that leg just as a test. With the grip heat still set on high and my phone plugged in the grip heat failed just over 2 miles along the way. For the next 7.2 miles to my 3rd stop I did not have the phone plugged in and had the grip heat set again to high and no fail this time. And no fail for the remaining 2+ miles home with the grip heat set to high.

So the intermediate conclusion from this trip is that at just a few degrees below freezing the grip heat set to high stays on and works as it should as long as I don't plug in anything to the USB port. But if the temp drops much colder the grip heat system shuts down for just the reason given in the last few posts.
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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips issue
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2022, 10:44:32 PM »
I did get out for a ride today. The temp was 23F all the way around the 39.7 miles. I turned on the grip heat only to the low setting and it stayed on all the while I was warming up before I started moving. I did already back out of the garage and was just sitting idling in the driveway outside. Only .9 miles, not even a mile, down the road and the grip heat was shut down. The heat was sufficient for the air temp... if it had not shut down.

So either there is a low temp limit that will shut off the heated grips system due to current draw to keep the battery properly charged, or there is a warranty issue that needs to be fixed. That is still the big question. I have a message sent to both Kymco USA as well as my nearest Kymco service center asking if there is such a cold temp limit. Sent that late on Saturday (yesterday) so not expecting a reply until Tuesday at the earliest since most mc dealerships are closed on Sunday and Monday.
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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips issue
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2022, 12:21:23 AM »
Heard back from Kymco USA... sort of. I had called the technical department at the HQ in SC but had to leave a VM. I missed the call back and got a VM in return. The technical representative said that the heated grips *should* work at any temperature. So what I was hoping and what most of you have said is right. At least, I was hoping that they SHOULD work, but I was also hoping that a repair would not be needed. But they should, so a repair is needed.

While I was talking with the Kymco USA reception I asked where the closest authorized service center is to me. They gave me a few options to call about warranty service but not the one big dealer I've been talking to. Seems that dealer is not on their list, but that dealer website and also that dealer's service coordinator/manager states they do warranty work on my AK 550. I called the other service centers that I was given by Kymco USA and all of them stated they "will not" do warranty service on Kymco large scooters. Bummer. I'll stick with the dealer I've been contacting who says they will do warranty work.

Now to figure out how to get the AK to them to fix.
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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips issue
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2022, 01:26:56 PM »
seems odd that a Kymco franchised dealer (who Kymco Corporate directed you toward) would or could refuse to provide warranty service on a Kymco product.

Also odd that a dealer Kymco did not list as able to provide warranty work would be the only one willing to offer this service.

Kymco still has a long way to go before they are ready for the big leagues...unfortunately.
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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips issue
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2022, 02:19:32 PM »
@rjs, in a german KYMCO forum, one AK 550  owner was writing about the same issue.
Said, after a couple of unsucessful tries to solve it,
a motorcycle company found out a faulty assambly within an electronic item. Unfortunately he did not get details from this repair.
Maybe it helps if you mention this possibility during your warranty claim.
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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips issue
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2022, 03:44:46 PM »
@rjs, in a german KYMCO forum, one AK 550  owner was writing about the same issue.
Said, after a couple of unsucessful tries to solve it,
a motorcycle company found out a faulty assambly within an electronic item. Unfortunately he did not get details from this repair.
Maybe it helps if you mention this possibility during your warranty claim.

I have passed on my process to try and isolate when and what happens. It would definitely be helpful to know what it was that fixed this other owner's issue. I am most suspicious of the heated grips controller since the grip heat elements work great at freezing temps of above at all settings. Though it could possibly still be a marginal connection issue at the grip that only shows up in temps below freezing. But then I would think it would still fail then when I set the AK out in my driveway at 23F for a few hours and then started the engine while it was on the center stand and turned on the grip heat to the highest setting and let it idle like that for 10-15 minutes. It didn't fail then, so that's why I lean toward the controller since that was benefiting from engine heat while sitting still in my driveway idling but does get the cold blast when I am moving down the road riding.
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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips issue
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2022, 04:13:04 PM »
seems odd that a Kymco franchised dealer (who Kymco Corporate directed you toward) would or could refuse to provide warranty service on a Kymco product.

Also odd that a dealer Kymco did not list as able to provide warranty work would be the only one willing to offer this service.

Kymco still has a long way to go before they are ready for the big leagues...unfortunately.

Seems the issue is mostly with the itty bitty Kymco dealers in some small town areas that really only deal in ATV and quad tracks or the smallest of the scooter lineup.

Just talked with the technical lead at Kymco USA and verified that the dealer I am thinking of going to for this issue is indeed a Kymco support center and in good standing. He also is sending me a PDF of a section of the official service manual for the 2022 USA model that deals with getting the fail code for the heated grips system. There is a button sequence that will result in a failure code output, or series of flashes like an ECM code output, just for the heated grips system. So I will be able to determine before I take it in to the shop if it is a controller issue, wire or grip heater issue, or what. He also alluded to there being an ambient temp sensor that might be involved with this. I did see an air temp light indicated on the electrical diagram I have for displaying ambient air but there was no wire into that pin. Keeping in mind that the documentation I have is for the Euro 4 model so likely no more recent than 2020 and more likely 2019 or 2018. Changes may have been made since then. It was a very informative conversation with them.

He was VERY interested to know about what some of the dealers I was referred to by the receptionist at Kymco USA had to say and will be looking into those dealerships. They are by contract mandated to do warranty work on all of the Kymco line of products. He said that the receptionist only had access to the user interface for dealer locations which didn't show the dealer I am thinking of going to. He looked them up using his more extensive resources to verify they are able to provide the warranty work and recommended that since they stated that they will do it and that since they are a big dealership that I should certainly go there instead of any of the small places that seem to be in violation of contract by refusing to to warranty work.

Feeling much better about all this stuff around getting warranty work done as well as having verification from the Kymco technical lead that this problem should not be happening. There is no low temp limit where the grip heat stops working so will get it fixed in the next few weeks, or maybe month, hopefully.
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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips issue
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2022, 05:13:09 PM »
well that's a little more encouraging. Kymco has a premium maxi scooter that is getting a lot of would be in their best interest to provide quality service and warranty support for their new owners and products.
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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2022, 02:12:47 AM »
I've been contemplating how to make the heated grips work for me in some of the very cold temps I ride in. Normally I'd need heated gloves at temps down to zeroF and below. But I've really only used the heated grips at near freezing temps with them set to low. They will go 2 more heat settings hotter so I should be able to use just heated grips even at the coldest temps I ride in. The only issue is keeping the tips of my fingers warm as well as the back of my hands. Wind blowing past the grips tends to make my finger tips very cold at the temps and setting I've used so far... down to 28F on low. It's better when I wear my thicker heated gloves but I can tell the finger tips will still get cold when the temp is down another 10, 15, 20 degrees F.

The primary solution I've been considering is a pair of handlebar muffs. But I'm cheap. Since I already own the heated gloves I don't want to spend what those cost for the official Hippo Hands which are vastly improved over what they were the last time I tried them, but cost vastly more as well. So far I've tried 2 different thick insulated handlebar muffs from Amazon and both times I found that while they fit on the handle bar/grips just fine I need a third hand to pull on them to get my hand TO the grip. The insulation is just too thick to allow me to simply slip my gloved hands all the way in even if I wear my thinnest summer gloves. I already returned the first pair I attempted and will be returning the second pair right away.

So time to change my thinking and on to something else. I know that Hippo Hands have one type that is basically an open shield that really doesn't fit back along my sleeve very far and is open to the controls. Think of it as more of a hand guard that has more shelter back to the wrist yet stays open. But that one still costs around $110 and I don't think I really need to spend even that. Like I said, I'm cheap. So I was thinking (dangerous as you all know)... why not just a standard hand guard large enough to block the wind but not covering the grips? If my finger tips are the only part of me that gets cold with the heated grips and if it is the wind on my hands that causes that I figure hand guards to block the wind should do the trick. I found some designed for the AK 550, as well as a set for many different bikes/scooters, on AliExpress for around $25 and almost free shipping. The look to be exactly like the Puig hand guards with the very same shape, color shadings, mounting brackets but not the $140 + shipping for the Puig version. They look nice enough to possibly leave on all year. If these don't work for me then I'll just use the heated grips for a little bit below freezing and when it gets really cold I'll plug in the heated gloves... but likely keep the hand guards anyway.
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Re: Kymco AK 550 heated grips
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2022, 01:15:40 AM »
My AK 550 is now in the hands of the Kymco dealer. Missing having it in the garage already even though my driveway is not ready for 2 wheels to stay upright.
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