My offspring #30* - arrived recently to #2 son & his wife.
Baby girl - all doing fine - while son looks appropriately alarmed at his growing responsibilities.
And, while I was out buying another stroller/car-seat/ski-do baby thing I stopped to fill up my 6 cyl. Silvertornado Chevy.
I finally set the 'trip odo' so I could check the mileage.
It is @ an 'o6 - a gift from my FIL - after I sold my last VW , to drive only my LIKE into my sunset.
(he decided that was crazy - "in Ohio!" - and made me take his rarely used truck)
I did the maths and came up with 15.4 MPG.
This involved rather a lot of idling this winter....but I doubt I'd get much more than 17 or so in the summer. @56,000 miles.
Mothers get a pretty nice set-up in our small town's new hospital. (deliveries often can be done right in the mom's private room - while C-Sections are performed in a fully equipped surg. room) Fold out couch for the Dad. Hosp. feeds all 3 three meals a day. Private RR with shower. Pop watches the proceedings. (nurse watches the pops!)
I took some snaps yesterday....
* My youngest daughter did the math - This little gal is my 30th offspring. (children, grand children, great grand children)
She said, "see, if you hadn't made it home from Vietnam the world would be missing a couple of soccer teams!"
** speaking of Vietnam - I noticed the name on the bed of my DIL's hosp. bed, "STRYKER"
In the 1960's, when I was in medic training at Brooke Army Med. Cen. in San Antonio we were shown a rotating "Stryker frame" bed being used on casualties flown in from Vietnam. This company has a long history!