I've just came back from the workshop with new rollerweights (13g) and a new belt.
I bought original Kymco parts.
I'm a bit confused with the results of the roller swap. The scooter seems to accelerate
better, but also seems to start from lower revs and maintain the lower revs up to 60km/h
when revs start to climb more rapidly then with the stock setup. That, of course, doesn't
make a lot of sense.
Since there's no tach on it, all I can go by is sound, and at 50mph the revs SEEM TO BE
higher. I had just a short ride on it so I can't be sure. I'll make a video and try to compare
it with the stock setup to see if there's any measurable difference.. but so far it seems
that wind might make a bigger difference then going from 14 to 13g rollers.
I now even doubt that the stock rollers were 14g, I'm just not sure anymore.
Other then that, the scooter is now a fair bit smoother. Just before the repair shop visit
the revs would rise a lot more at first then come down at about 15-20km/h, and now they're
as steady as it gets.
The scooter has 11.500km on the odo (just over 7000 miles), and the wear on the rollers and
belt was apparent, but less then expected since it's only 500km untill the schelduled replacement
interval. I'm 100% sure both would have lasted in excess of 15.000km. Even the rollers wore out
rather evenly, which is a rare occurence.
That'll have to do for now.