I wish to modify my remark that I never de-restricted the scooter. But hear me out!
Back in 2012 while riding the bike, I heard loud noises coming from the engine/camshaft area. My dealer said the splines of the camshaft were stripped.
The bike only had 800 miles and I posted the whole ordeal in the Peoples 50 forum.
To make a long story short my camshaft was replaced. No one understood how the shaft was stripped and it was theorized that the 1 week owner before me had possibly tried to de-restrict the variator but then decided to return the bike to dealer for another one. It was further thought he did not torque the nut properly. Theoritically I bought a de-restricted bike (dealer stated he had no knowledge of this). Bottom line the whole camshaft was replaced. I am wondering if the restriction washer was left off by the service department. I did some reading and my understanding is that de-restricting doesn't even do a lot on a 4T.
Well anyway maybe thats why I can easily go to 38-42mph on this bike.