Can you help me. I am new here ,I see you have the crome trim on the side and goes all the way to the back
I think they call it a body bumper. I cannot find that trim anywhere. Your help will be appreciated
Hello HarlyH,
Welcome to the forum!
First off - sounds like you might have a LIKE200i?...if so - you'll find it to be a great scooter. Very reliable when purchased new and used often!
Secondly - the good news is the chrome crash bars which Kymco made for the first generation LIKE's (50's and 200's) are well made. I've had mine on the scooter for 10 rust or other issues, and I ride in the rain frequently!
The Bad News - from the get-go they were a hard accessory to find! And now they are a
very hard accessory to or used. Have never seen one on ebay.
I found the large piece 10 years ago by placing many phone calls to shops who carried Kymcos....large and small shops!~
You might have good luck by phoning around - speaking to the guys at the parts counters.
That worked for me - 10 yrs ago.
Surely someone has a set still in the box - nearly forgotten on the shelf!
Good luck!....and please advise if you find a source, this is a frequent request!