Those big white arrows look like something to avoid when it's damp....especially when braking for a turn!
I so remember seeing the Triumph Trident and the BSA Rocket at a dealer in TX when I was in medic training. Trident was green and the Rocket red - unless my memory is bad? were those two somewhat like our Buicks and Oldsmobiles - in that they were just examples of badge engineering - otherwise the same machines?
I was also very taken by the yellow Norton Commando!!!
If you're on the arrow, you want to be no more than 15
o from upright! That said they are generally well in advance of the bends so never been a problem for me.
At that time I think maybe Triumph and BSA were amalgamated, so yes likely just badge engineering. As for the Commando, yes, I always yearned for one of them.