Just wanted to share my latest repair on my Like 200i. I have had a lot of problems with unstable idle running engine and not as much power on top as i used to have. Also it was harder and harder to start the scoot.
Solution was to clean my injector and took me no more than 30 minuttes.
1. Losen the bolt holding the injector (size 10 bolt).
2. Losen the fastener on the fuel hose and carefully remove fuel hose from injector, while holding the injector with your other hand.
3. remove the clip on the plug delivering power to the injector on the side and remove the plug.
Now your can remove the injector and take it to a table for cleaning.
Follow this youtube guide.
I simplyfied the proces of attaching the carb-cleaning can to the gas hose by using a gluegun. Also put a towel over the can when you push it as i experienced leeks can easily happen. And since you will get sparks from the battery like in the video, it can cause fire in combination with skys of carb cleaner in the room. Another safety feature is longer wires, so sparks from battery and carb-spray-clouds is as far away from each other as possible. Would also recomend safety glasses.
Also i found that my injector had visible dirt on the tip, so i startet the proces carefully cleaning the tip with a cotton swab and carb cleaner.
It seems like a difficult process, but was actually ok easy.
Result - scoot is now starting instantly, running with no problem in idle - and i litterally liftet the frontwheel when i gave full throttle after a traffic-light on the first test-drive! (have gotten used to less power i guess