@hawk, to go a little bit deeper into materia:
-yes, you can use all kind / ranges of gear oil on a hypoid-palloid gear, means you would NOT demage anything in this specific shaped (diagonal / curved instead of straight) sprockets
See cardanic drivesshafts on BMWs, YAMAHAs or MOTO GUZZIs end gear.
Hypoid oil has a certain amount of metal solving content (solves in micron quantities or less) to , humbly said, roughen sprockets surface to enlarge lubricated areas, therefor better performance and less mechanical noise. But flipside is roughing driveshafts too which run through oilseals.
For this there are specified oilseals mounted (mostly two-lipped).
In our case we do have straight gear sprockets where this treatment would NOT make sense for several reasons, so we have normal oilseals which might not take additional wear from "rough" shafts.