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« on: August 05, 2023, 06:09:32 PM »
Please help! I will explain from the start. I am not very good with motors and such mostly as i have no EXP. I do build houses and do other types of construction I say that so you know I am good with my hands and am quick to learn and pick up new things. with that said, last summer I bought a 2007 kymco super9 LC that ran grate at the moment I bought it, by the time i got home i heard a pinging from the back end close to the motor. this is where my learning began. so after months of overheating replacing of pistons a whole new big boar kit and so on ending with me replacing the propeller in the water pump witch I have done 2 times since and the third i cut the nut and shaft and made a pin to hold them together so no more ability to strip. All of the work over that time well also driving it as it was my only way to work caused overheating and my head gasket to blow also my studs stripped and warped my head. that is all just context. I finally got the whole top end to stay on and not leak. the cooling system was running i was so happy this all took me till about a week ago like i said i had no clue what to do i was learning as I went also it was stuck somewhere for the winter. Anyways finally it ran and cooled everything but i was using kick start as I had no battery. so at this point I know this bike very well the engine side i had not had to do any work on the electrical. I used a old drill battery in place of a battery and it started it great but quickly the battery died and was not properly charging as it was not the right battery please understand i use the bike for everything and need it often so things like using a drill battery are not advised but my kick it almost broken and i needed it to start. So when the drill battery stopped working I made a HUGE MISTAKE! Again i know nothing about this stuff and did not think this part through obviously please i already know how stupid this was no need to tell me. Anyways I have a small booster pack for boosting cars and i figured it would work the same for my bike again I dont know about this stuff and was just making a fast assumption that 12v is 12v not thinking about amps etc as i know a bit but not to much and just really didnt think it through. I used it and it worked great I did not leave it connected just hooked it up fast to start. i used it 4 or 5 times and it was working fine. then i was doing some work on it and some  tests and i hooked it up to start it and then stopped to look at something and it was obviously still boosting the system. ( I will also mention i had to bypass my ignition as someone stole my keys its 5 wires 4 grouped 1 alone gong to cdi I jumped the red and black split the 2 green and left the single light blue with yellow stripe to cdi alone and it was running like this). when i turned back to the bike after maybe 30 seconds I saw smoke from battery compartment. I unhooked the booster right away and looked for the issue finding the starter relay from battery to starter was melted. I was in a bit of a rush and again not thinking i bypassed the relay hooked back up and tried to start I got turnover for a moment the i saw the wire i used to bypass go red hot and turn to dust. i then realized that a booster has way to much cranking power for the system. i then stopped and went got the correct battery hooked up and tested go nothing no lights spark nothing started to do some testing and was getting all sorts of bad sings my regulator was cooked replaced that starter motor was cooked so replaced that removed stator even though its dc and should not affect spark from what i know but again that's not a lot so could be wrong anyways i don't know if I am testing it right as i cant find some info as well the coils are coated in a clear plastic or something so i cant read off them. put it back in and did same for cdi again not 100% about it. When i test for DC voltage i get full 12V going into my CDI and .7V coming out of it so I assumed it was broken and replaced it. but still i have 12v coming to CDI but nothing coming out or almost nothing. and that is where i am at I am now going to put a list of my most unanswered questions i cant find clear data on.

1. When i test my stator after unhooking it from harness but still on bike i get continuity from all wires to frame or motor it seams to have continuity to ground on all wires this means it is bad right? also being i get the power for cdi from battery not stator even if it is bad i should still get spark right as Im getting power to cdi stator should not matter for spark just wont charge battery but battery will run cdi till dead right or am i wrong is it possibly powering something else that drives the ignition system?

2. Also my starter motor is the same when i test the red wire to ground i get a beep frame or anywhere but it is brand new and disconnected but still getting beep from red to ground is that normal?

3. There is a wire from my cdi to ignition and it also goes somewhere else in the front what is this it gets a small signal when i crank it what's it for what  should I do with it if bypassing ignition how much voltage should it be getting is it send to cdi or is it to stop it from working if connected I don't know

4. If I have 12v coming into my CDI and its a brand new CDI but little to no power coming out of cdi what can cause that my pickup coil wire has continuity to cdi but don't know how to test it past that as if its not signaling it wont spark so if it is getting signal and power only 2 wires left are ground and the one to the ignition i am not sure what it is so maybe Im not grounded right or that other wire has something to do with it.

5. Is it possible i have a short in my stator or harness and my cdi is not working right because of short in stator or something like that or if i have power to cdi and signal and ground should it work could it be a bad cdi even brand new or could i have fried it from having a short in stator or something



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« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2023, 12:03:17 AM »
You've ventured into the area of unknowns.  There's too many unknowns now.  Your best solution is to find a dealer equipped to replace all the scorched and burned bits so you're starting with a clean package of "knowns". 

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