quite pipe is too lean on the pilot. You should hear a Pop...Pop...Pop... vrooooommmmmmmmmmmmm pop pop pop. That quite is making the heat STAY instead of diminish. It's more important for the track but our scoots are as close to "track" as anyWell sh**, I bet when i lowered the needle all the way down, it must have leaned in between 1/4-1/2 on de accel. She had a NICE cruise on the way to ingles. Cruising 50 @ 7300rpm. Dam, i was thinking the same carb set up would still be good.
Here we go again...
The cvt is sh** though, kindof, sortof, maybe, but in a way not really.
. Clutch doesn't want to "grab" right.. Feels slippy maybe? old clutch with old 2000 flys also don't help.(sure the 9s r partly to blame too)
I cant believe you installed a green malossi. I thought the green was way soft. sh**, violet too for that matter.
(green feels as soft as a white)
I'm tired of maintaining a stressed out scoot. Same as a Bi-polar wife. TIRED OF THEM BOTH!I'd be tired of the wife part for dam sure...