About to do the first oil change on my ferrari…i mean Kymco X-Town 300!
Easy trick….to get the same amount of new oil in your engine…
Do all the usual things to change oil…. but when you drain the oil pour it all into a old plastic container (i use cleaned out 1gallon milk )…examine it/analyze it/taste it….whatever you normally do…..but mark the level of oil on the plastic container, pour the old oil out, and refill with the new oil up to the mark!! (Clean out in between if u want)
You can refill the crank case with the new oil without messing around measuring anything else….!
(This assumes you had the correct amount of oil in initially, which you can check first…)
Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Wonder if the xtown 300 has a magnetic plug? If not…anyone know the part number of a magnetic equivalent pls?