I recently had a transmission issue where a roller got stuck. It was caused by a single roller that developed a flat spot then broke open. Thread here:
https://www.kymcoforum.com/index.php?topic=33745.30. The scooter is a Kymco Downtown 350i.
Over the previous 11,000km or so, I noticed that the scooter's fuel use climbed gradually over time.
3.6L per 100km and before the sudden failure of the transmission, consistently
4.2 to 4.5L. Otherwise there were no obvious symptoms such as power loss, lag, vibration etc. Likely the onset of any power loss was so gradual I didn't notice it.
All caused by a single roller that wore down abnormally from a defective ramp plate and dirt build-up inside variator and didn't move properly, likely causing the variator to be in the wrong position (and therefore the wrong ratio) when accelerating and coasting. Photo attached shows the broken roller with the flat spot, plus a second roller with a minor flat spot that is not really an issue.
The rollers and ramp plate have been replaced, all the dirt cleaned out with brake cleaner and fuel consumption has returned to 3.5 to 3.7L/100km. The scooter is also more zippy with better response.