""By the way, the picture is enormous as posted. I used the Windows reduce % magnifier at the bottom right of Internet Explorer to get the page down in size to view it easily. ""
She's all of 80 (?) pounds at 4'10" and it is still hard to get her all in one picture! BTW, she lives in the Duesenberg house here in Indianapolis and has maintained it quite nicely. Just likes a lot of room to wander around. This shot is of her sitting on a super 9 in her living room, where I suppose Fred Duesenberg entertained guests like his friend Harry Stutz. Stutz liked the house so much that he bought the floor plans and built his own copy not more than 2 miles from here. Pretty cool story. I used to rent the carriage house which has an oil changing pit underneath the garage floor. I hope this photo doesn't appear too large. If it is too large to easily see, let me know and I will change it.