You need to remove the engine to measure port timings and use a degree wheel to get acturate degree's... There are several printable wheels on the net.. i printed mine off and appied to a piece of cardboard, cd's work good too...
I cant get over your mpg... especially when you said you never got any really. that's odd.. you checked the petcock, tank,etc. for leaks?.. made sure the carb isnt overflowing?
oh, you dont want to INCREASE the deck hieght, that'll increase the squish. When i had the squish set on my zx before this build, i got 4mph from just that
Well, today I checked the squish with 50/50 solder. I measured 2mm in several spots. That seems kinda large, huh? I also have a large oil leak out of the exhaust port dripping all over now. I had my suspicions when I installed the BBK last summer- it seemed kind of sloppy and I believe it needs a thicker gasket. I am running the stock oil pump, but it seems really messy out the pipe. It also fouled the plug a bit, making it start hard lately. I had problems with the pump while under warranty, they replaced it twice - I had a thread on this going last year. I tried premixing for a while but said screw it and re installed the pump.
How do you tighten up that squish- I have the thinner gasket on the barrel now, could I use a slight layer of RTV instead to tighten up the squish? I plan on pulling the head again to re check the deck, but I was pretty confident that it was .5mm.
Even if I use no gasket, removing the .5 mm gasket only gains .5mm leaving squish at 1.5 mm or so.
Any suggestions?
I also received my manual choke yesterday for the Arreche. I don't think my electric one works well anymore.
As far as fuel mileage, NO gas leaks at all, at least while parked. I think I got about 45- 50 MPG when new. That really isn't THAT impressive, considering my old Razz got 72 MPG once in a while.....(sloooooooow).
I hope I am not hogging this thread, but hey, it does ask How Fast Can Your Super 9 Go...