Here's what I am dealing with my scooter. It's having a problem producing a continuous spark. When I turn over the engine no spark is produced. When I turn the killswitch from on to off, one spark is produced and the engine does fire. That spark is produced right at the half way point of the killswitch being on/ off.
I've had the scooter start successfully before and have managed to ride it around. When I've wanted to turn the scooter off I've used the killswitch and it turns off just fine. Sometimes it would start just fine, other times it would be a pain. Now unfortunately, it doesn't want to do anything.
Here's one thing too I noticed with my Kymco that I dont have with my Lance. When I have the killswitch in the off position I can still turn over the motor and all the lights try to work.
What do you think is the culprit? The rectifier? CDI? The Devil?