I am a new scooter rooter for about well weeks and my helmet is not the Full Face. As I venture through photo's etc. I see many Full Face over the plain helmets that just curve around the ears and some not that way. I purchased a helmet that doesn't curve around the ear's with the helmet part but with the leather that provides better hearing. It has the drop down shield either the clear or tinted. I'm sure there are many pro's and con's on styles and am anxious to hear opinion's. My helmet is: Scorpion EXO-100 Solid Open-Face and I paid about 100 buck's. My Reason: tried on other types but I felt it was cutting off my hearing which I feel is very inportant as long as the wind doesn't get to you. So far even though limited in use due to weather, I feel comfortable with it.....SOME THOUGHT'S/OPINION'S