Author Topic: Exhaust issues  (Read 2779 times)


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Exhaust issues
« on: October 11, 2008, 11:26:09 PM »
Hallo all.  None too long ago I went and got my hands on a 2004 People 150.  Since then she's been a wonderful ride, shuttling me back and forth across town with nary a peep (Yes.  I do change the fluids on a regular basis).

However recently the bolts that held the neck of the muffler to the exhaust vibrated loose and fell onto a highway somewhere.  Not able to perform a fix and miles away from any sort of assistance, I continued onwards.  Eventually however the vibration broke off the neck of the muffler and had it not been for the broken neck getting caught in the center stand, I would have lost it on the highway as well.

Now here's the problem.  I can weld the exhaust back together, but for the life of me cannot find replacement bolts to reattach the muffler to the engine.  The bolts are referred to in the manual as "Exhaust Muffler Lock Bolts" and have threads on both ends of the bolt with a smooth section in the middle.  I cannot find the exact specification for the bolt and riding season is slowly slipping away.

If any of you could help me with this problem I would appreciate it greatly


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Re: Exhaust issues
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2009, 08:25:04 PM »
I haven't seen one so can't say for sure, but from your description it sounds like a stud rather than a bolt. If you don't have access to a dealer, you should be able to get a metric bolt at a hardware or NAPA store to determine the right size and then just order the right size metric stud if they don't have one in stock>



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Re: Exhaust issues
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2009, 01:14:00 AM »
Hallo Bra, (with a smile)
Ace hardware has those little boxes that when you pull them out they have compartments w/ all kinds of things. what you are looking for are indeed metcic studs. You're gonna have to buy nuts to match,(I would HIGHLY reccomend Nylok nuts) They cannot vibrate loose. Infact being on an exhaust the nylon crown may melt  (enough to make them diffucult to remove but NOT enough to negate their purpose.) If there is not an Ace hardware near you, Home Depot also has those trays full of goodies. Approx. $2.00 total VRS. how deep are your pockets dealer. Good luck. Tell a friend!
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Re: Exhaust issues
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2009, 02:25:43 AM »
Hallo Bra, (with a smile)
Ace hardware has those little boxes that when you pull them out they have compartments w/ all kinds of things. what you are looking for are indeed metcic studs. You're gonna have to buy nuts to match,(I would HIGHLY reccomend Nylok nuts) They cannot vibrate loose. Infact being on an exhaust the nylon crown may melt  (enough to make them diffucult to remove but NOT enough to negate their purpose.) If there is not an Ace hardware near you, Home Depot also has those trays full of goodies. Approx. $2.00 total VRS. how deep are your pockets dealer. Good luck. Tell a friend!
If the nuts you need turn out to be 10 mm I would suggest you contact an air-cooled VW repair shop. VW made copper self-locking nuts specifically for exhaust use. Best wishes.

Whoops! Google produced a bunch of sources for those nuts. Here's two:,-Exhaust-Nut-Set,-8-Pieces_W0QQitemZ370198179493QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20090507?IMSfp=TL0905071210010r11658

or just Google "air cooled vw exhaust nuts" ;D
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