OnTalyn>> Would love to be able to use the original turns as LED running lights
OnTalyn>> with a magic blinker installed to turn off when the turn-signal for
OnTalyn>> that side is on.
This week I've had my DT300 torn apart doing a number of mods. My "dummy bulb to running light/signal" mod was done by removing the single contact bayonet socket and replacing it with a dual-contact socket taken from the tail light. Then by using a V-LED "SwitchBack" dual color LED I am able to have a white running light and a flashing amber turn signal in the headlight housing (excuse my messy storage unit):
And a very bad video:
Originally I had both amber signals flashing at the same time, but then realized that the wig-wag amber were more attention-getting. Here in Florida with our high number of elderly drivers and folks not paying attention in general I thought anything to get more visibility at an intersection would be a benefit.
I will eventually be making write-ups as to how most of the mods were done so please hold off on too many questions for now.. <grin>