DOT approval is the single most important rating... if the helmet is $10 or $1000, the rating is the only important part for functionality. The better helmets have better padding that make the helmet more comfortable and as the price goes up, so does the lifespan of the padding. Note, the foam is what protects your head, not the padding. The padding is for comfort. I have a GMax modular helmet, about $120.. I like being able to flip up the face in the city, at stoplights and when getting gas... then flip it down and take on the bugs and rocks out in the countryside at highways speeds, while keeping all my teeth in place. If your only riding city, your not as likely to take a rock to the face. If you are on the freeway, or the highway, half helmets only do half the job. Look at vents if you are worried about "hot days". Good venting at speed means plenty of airflow to keep the sweat down... My helmet is black and I have no problems on 100+ degree days... 55mph of airflow feels really good even with the mask down. I bought my wife a more expensive GMax (Pink with the Ribbon on it)... it has better padding, flip down sun visor and a few extra vents... the foam is the same (as it is in all helmets). More money pays for features and style (=happier wife)... not a "better" helmet. As far as brand and which is better... try them on! A $500 helmet is going to be more comfortable to wear. The foam is only good for one accident (or drop) and it will last about 10years or so... regardless of whether it sits in a garage or is used every day. Your paying for comfort. If you use your bike once a year, save your money... if you use it everyday, spend the money to make the ride that much more comfortable. The fit of the helmet is going to vary from one person to the next... it was a coincidence that my wife liked the fit of the GMax over the other brands we tried on. Once you know what brands fit you really well, then go shopping for a helmet and pick your style and features. I've smashed a few helmets off road... some of my favorite helmets were cheap and extremely comfortable. The most expensive helmet I had was also the least comfortable and became my loaner helmet to friends as I went back to my "cheap" helmet... the fit was just perfect for me with the cheap ones. Only fit matters and that doesn't change with price.