Author Topic: Passenger footrest  (Read 962 times)


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Passenger footrest
« on: August 18, 2011, 06:01:27 PM »
Been looking for a few months for a used grand vista. Friend of mine bought one, I took a test ride on it and fell in love with it. Finally found one (man they are hard to come by in the spring and summer).

Got a white 2006 grandvista.

Took our first test ride with my better half the other day. Everything was great and was a nice comfy ride except for one complaint from my passenger. Seems when the passenger sits her feet can't fully sit on the passenger floorboards. She has to angle her toes in (a lot) to get them to fit nicely on the boards.

I jumped up to check and me also. I can put my heels on the floorboard, but for me to get my entire foot I have to awkwardly angle my toes in. I told her just keep your heels on and let your foot overhang is all, but she wanted a firmer footrest.

So now I'm searching for a way to either extend the passenger floorboard out some or add a passenger or highway peg to the back. Something that can fold out of the way maybe.

Anyone do something like this or is there something that can be done easily without making up something custom?

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