Because you aren't giving people enough information to make a knowledgeable suggestion.
Was it turning over the engine, but not firing?
Was the engine turning over slower than normal?
Do you have the kill switch on?
Do you have the sidestand up?
Are you holding a brake lever while pressing the starter?
Charge the battery up if you have a charger, then ensure those are all set properly, then turn the key on and try kickstarting it without giving it any gas. Kick it at least 4 or 5 times. If it feels like it is trying to start then give it a little gas. Otherwise kick it a few more times - then try the starter.
Try those and let us know how it goes.
FWIW: Your broken English in " so i came home on friday and park s8 today morning i was trying to start scooter i went down the street and then nothing " makes it unclear - did you ride it down the street and it died - or did you go down to th street and were unable to start it?
FYI: Don't ever try starting it while it's hooked up to a charger - you can overload the electrics.
ok thanks for ur english but this is not english forum last time i checked

didnt give much info cuz just didnt want to start rite since Friday..which means i parked on firday rite since then didnt ride so its total 2 days and on monday didnt start hm,, lemme think isnt enough info what it can be in order for some1 who knows lil bit about scooters???
and then we can develop more info like didnt crank,,, '
but thank you for ur help!!!
1 didnt start engine
2 again didnt start at all
3 dunno what is kill switch sorry noob
4 yes side stand was up
5yes i was trying to start as usually,,,