I knew i would have naysayers , now you are saying car speedos are inaccurate?
Yes, on average 6-15 %, however the error is not constant across the range, it increases as you go faster and it is highly dependent on type of vehicle, tires, brand and model.
There is a number of international standards covering this area and you can look them up on the Web if you are interested. Car speedometers are allowed to be off up to 14 % (meaning going actually 86 km/h when the speed shows 100 km/h). A piece of anecdotal evidence, I have a new car and at its top speed of 189 km/h it actually shows 195 km/h, meaning error of 3-4 % and it is pretty constant at lower speeds too). However, my People shows at least 10 km/h more from the very beginning, 15 km/h above 120-130 km/h, ditto for Agility, my old Beverly was slightly better, Piaggio NRG was just as bad as Kymcos etc.
Both car magazines and Web portals have frequent specials and tests of speedometers, so this is not exactly something new, neither is the error property of measuring instruments. We used to learn about it somewhere in elementary school.
Sometimes, naysayer is another word for somebody objective and better informed than average.