Author Topic: People S 250 goes 90 MPH (indicated) !  (Read 6297 times)


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Re: People S 250 goes 90 MPH (indicated) !
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2011, 07:09:02 PM »
As for parts longevity, specifically, you mentioned brake pads.   The PS250 is a heavier/faster bike than the A125.    Maybe that accounts for the shorter life on the brake pads?

Hi, I am not complaining about that, just mentioning as a curiosity. On my ex. Beverly, scoot with similar specs, pads lasted for 23-24.000 kms. Of course, that depends on the type of material and usage pattern (latter being the same in my case as I drive/drove both scoots).
Kymco People GT300i 2017 ABS Euro4
Kymco Agility 125 2008

(Past: Kymco People 250S, Piaggio Beverly 200, Kawasaki ZR-7S, Yamaha TW125, Kymco Cobra Cross 50, Peugeot Zenith 50, Piaggio NRG 50 mc2 72 cc Naraku kit)


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Re: People S 250 goes 90 MPH (indicated) !
« Reply #16 on: October 20, 2011, 07:14:29 PM »
Have you found the $1 Chinese part to be of equal quality to the Kymco part?   At $1, I'd just get a number of them, and use a new one each time.   I always use a new crush washer on the drain bolt on my BMW cars too.   The vendor I get oil filters form includes the crush washer, and the O-ringer for the filter (filter is not a spin on, but a drip in, O-ring is for the cap).

Thanks, BTW, for this info, as I will make sure I have this spare part BEFORE changing the oil, which I'm planning on doing soon.

Do you recommend a specific online vendor to obtain the part?

Quality: it's a bolt (#17 or #19), and Kymco's light alloy bolts snap when you look at them. Chinese ones look and snap just the same, but at 12x lower price!

The one used to drain the oil is OK, but this one that holds the wire mesh... it's a disaster. Both on People and Agility.

I bought it on
« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 07:18:03 PM by axy »
Kymco People GT300i 2017 ABS Euro4
Kymco Agility 125 2008

(Past: Kymco People 250S, Piaggio Beverly 200, Kawasaki ZR-7S, Yamaha TW125, Kymco Cobra Cross 50, Peugeot Zenith 50, Piaggio NRG 50 mc2 72 cc Naraku kit)

old geezer

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Re: People S 250 goes 90 MPH (indicated) !
« Reply #17 on: October 20, 2011, 07:50:10 PM »
Takes a 17 mm socket, the torque is 12.7 N-M or 9.3 foot pounds. never messed one up sticking to that using a torque wrench.

Kymco part is $4.12 but if you order it there is a shipping charge.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2011, 08:13:08 PM by scooterdude »


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Re: People S 250 goes 90 MPH (indicated) !
« Reply #18 on: October 22, 2011, 07:19:02 PM »
OK, so now I'm a little disappointed.    The reviews that I've read on this model state that the speedometer is 6% optimistic.    The local PD put one of those radar-speed signs down the road from where I live.    I went past it on the way home from a ride on my Guzzi, the speedo and the sign agreed dead-on.

So, after I got home, I took the PS250 past the sign.     It is 13% optimistic  >:(

60 MPH indicated = 53 MPH on the sign.    So, the 90 MPH indicated is more like 80 MPH, and not 84.    Still respectable, but, I'm a bit pissed the speedo is off so much.   No wonder people are still blowing past me when I am doing an indicated 60 MPH on a 50 MPH four lane road.    Well, now, at least I know.    Next time, I'll do an indicated 69 MPH for my intended 60 MPH (which is the defacto speed on that road).

This speedo error isn't just with this model, or this particular scoot.      If you look at the reviews on, David GPS checks all the scooters, and 10% or more error is typical, and they all read high.    Looks like false marketing to me.
2007 People S 250
2009 Moto Guzzi V7 Classic


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Re: People S 250 goes 90 MPH (indicated) !
« Reply #19 on: October 22, 2011, 08:00:28 PM »
OK, so now I'm a little disappointed.    The reviews that I've read on this model state that the speedometer is 6% optimistic.    The local PD put one of those radar-speed signs down the road from where I live.    I went past it on the way home from a ride on my Guzzi, the speedo and the sign agreed dead-on.

So, after I got home, I took the PS250 past the sign.     It is 13% optimistic  >:(

60 MPH indicated = 53 MPH on the sign.    So, the 90 MPH indicated is more like 80 MPH, and not 84.    Still respectable, but, I'm a bit pissed the speedo is off so much.   No wonder people are still blowing past me when I am doing an indicated 60 MPH on a 50 MPH four lane road.    Well, now, at least I know.    Next time, I'll do an indicated 69 MPH for my intended 60 MPH (which is the defacto speed on that road).

This speedo error isn't just with this model, or this particular scoot.      If you look at the reviews on, David GPS checks all the scooters, and 10% or more error is typical, and they all read high.    Looks like false marketing to me.

The same here.

I was even called a liar on this forum by some people who swear they drove their scoots 250 km/h etc.
Kymco People GT300i 2017 ABS Euro4
Kymco Agility 125 2008

(Past: Kymco People 250S, Piaggio Beverly 200, Kawasaki ZR-7S, Yamaha TW125, Kymco Cobra Cross 50, Peugeot Zenith 50, Piaggio NRG 50 mc2 72 cc Naraku kit)


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Re: People S 250 goes 90 MPH (indicated) !
« Reply #20 on: October 23, 2011, 01:06:39 AM »
My GPS shows the speedo to be quite optimistic by a non-linear percentage.  I use an aftermarket calibrated odometer to determine true distance traveled.  With a mix of back roads and some freeway riding, and noting distance traveled after five tanks of fuel, my 250 goes 55 miles per gallon of supreme fuel.
I love my '06 People 250 and have replaced the drive belt and adjusted the valves.  I've also replaced the coolant, fuel filter and of course changed the oil.  I used the manual and have learned how to do the same jobs more easily next time.  None of these jobs are beyond the scope of a person with a reasonable amount of mechanical experience.  
The diecast fastener that holds the oil screen has a tapered hex so that it comes out of the die used to cast the part.  It is very easily damaged and a little hard to reach.  I have milled the head into a square shape and now use an open end adjustable wrench on it.  If you have a vise and a file, you can flatten the threads or file the head into a square.  It will not break if you don't overtighten it.  I can directly compare the Kymco's fasteners with Honda's, owning and working on one of each brand.  They're about the same quality.  Both manufacturers have great and not great engineering, designs, build quality and materials.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2011, 01:14:55 AM by gregspeople250 »
Honda Elite 80 - SOLD
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Kymco People 250 - SOLD
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