Did Kevin also tell you that YOU as a ROOKIE get to wash of all quads after each race. Hope you have a pressure washer and a 100 gallon water tank for the back of your truck. Sorry , but this is what ROOKIES do to earn their stripes>
What is the deal with these shocks, can't get ahold of Kevin for some reason today, I just got home from a hockey game and I have a set of new ___ shocks on my front porch. The packing list has Jordan crossed out, Kevin crossed out, and my name wrote in. Is this supposed to be a surprise. If so I appreciate it. Wasn't going to be able to get these for at least another month. Money is tight. Who do I owe the money too. I hope you have me on a payment plan. They are really great looking shocks. Going to bolt them on later today and see how they work. That is racer respect, giving these to me before you guys get them. Thanks you two, you really made my day!!!!