Welcome Kymco Owners!
This company paid independant labs to test their product. In the roller ball test (a standard test for the industry), It took only a few seconds for most oils to start smoking do to heat build up of the balls rubbing together. I think the best synthetic oils and or other additives lasted at most 2 minutes. Tuf oil lasted about 13-16 DAYS. This stuff works. I also am very leary of all of this lube crap that is on the market, but I believe in this product.
Then explain to me how my big V8 Lincoln get's 30 plus MPG when it is rated at 25? How is it that I get 50 plus MPG 2 up at high way speeds on my X5 , when no one else seems to be able to break 50 or even mid 40's? How about the engine temp's going down on all engines tested? Read their testtemonials about people getting 5,6,800,000 miles on their vehicals. The guy with the race engine that had to be rebuilt after every race or so, and now he hardly touches the engine. The corvette owner who sent his engine in to be rebuilt, and the shop refunded his money he paid for the new parts as everything was as new. And last but not least, the HYDRO ELECTRIC DAM that had dramatic reductions of tempurature where used? Read their heat chart! All oils run much hotter than the same engines with tufoil? You can't fake heat my friends. Heat in an engine = friction. NUFF SAID