Hi, friends
It take some time I don't wrotte here.
This is Kiki (Enrique), from Spain.
I am one of two administrators of the forum
www.forokymco.esAll we are owners of Kymco machines. We are now more than 2600 people that likes our motorcycles and scooters.
Every week end, we take a ride togheter. Sometimes here, sometimes there. Usually we meet about 30 people.
The only purpose of this post it is to know you, share our things, and if some of you want, will be well received there.
Most people speak english. You can writte there with no problems of understanding.
Our people there will be noticed about you so. If some of them wants to singup here, I ask you for tour wellcome. Thanks
Thanks at the administrator for leaving me writte this post. Please excuse my bad english.