well I'm about 5'8.180lb...and for me the DT fits just fine. The Yager felt like it had more room because of the flat floor, but for me the DT is much more comfortable. To me the two bike seem to have diff jobs. The Yager being small easy to zip around with good top speed and ease of use, and don't forget the MPG...I got 80 most of the time. The DT is more like a motorcycle to me. Good handling more stable, not bad MPG. But with that size comes some bad things too. I can't really get away with parking anywhere I want ( no one looks at the yeager parked up by the bike rack) and in the yager I could speed past a cop at 20mph over the speed limit and they just look right past you. Everyone looks at the DT, and it looks like its speeding when you are stopped. I don't think I would put one over the other. Now my wife did not like the back seat on the Yager. the DT is much better there. And that was the main reason I made the switch to the DT. I had a grandvista a few years ago and thats what the DT reminds me of...any more questions let me know.