...bugger means "f***"?...
Yeah it does, only in the ass!! Not the pink
I learned some stuff on the Philipines a while ago Vivo when i was heavy into martial arts, did Brice Lee's Jeet Kune Do. Our club was affiliated with Guro Dan Inosanto's JKD club in the states, he graded our teachers and made sure they kept things as Bruce wouldve wanted. I atrended a couple of weekend seminars with him 4-6 yrs ago, great guy. Looks like a cute little old man but if you make a move on him you'd be on the floor in a micro second thinkin wtf just happened there? That little 70 yr old is a mean machine
Anyway be told us all a bit of the filipino history etc and explained about the Spanish etc, good guy, i loved him from tbe moment he areived and shown us his "sports" bag full of swords, daggers, knives and sticks
I studied some filipino Kali and Pencak Silat in my time