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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2012, 01:43:48 AM »
Hey! How about changing the topic.....

Here's 10 ways to cook a turkey....

# 1. Roast Turkey

# 2. Smoked Turkey

# 3. Steamed Turkey (Tin foil)

#4. Deep Fried Turkey

# 5. Grilled Turkey or BBQ Turkey

#6. Rotisserie Turkey or Spit Roasting a Turkey

# 7. Marinated Turkey

# 8. Oven-Bag Turkey

# 9. Brining a Turkey

# 10. Microwave Turkey


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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2012, 01:50:28 AM »
...fried shrwimp..boillled shwrimp..baked shwrimp...
..every mod (action) necessitates a (reaction) mod..


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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #32 on: May 02, 2012, 02:55:13 AM »
Turducken! Not THAT is just wrong. Worse than any bigot joke IMHO
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #33 on: May 02, 2012, 03:05:21 AM »
Q.  Why did the duck cross the road?....
A.  It was stuffed in the chicken....


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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #34 on: May 02, 2012, 03:23:46 AM »
Mutha F'
Vivo's really from Iowa! No one in the Philli. knows chicken jokes...
The real answer is the chicken was stapled to the Punk!

old punks web zine

Punk Rock Jokes

Do you know any more jokes like these? Well, what are ya waiting for? Send 'em to

1) Q: If a Punk and a Skin are in the back of a car, who's in front? A: A cop. (Thanks to Eve)

2) Q: An apartment building in California has Skins living on the first floor, Punks on the second, and Hippies on the third. One day a big fire burns the building to the ground. Who survived? A: The Skins. They were at work. (Thanks to Eve)

3) Q: How many Punks does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: 3. 1 to screw it in and 2 to argue about who did it first. (Thanks to Odind)

4) Q: How many Punks does it take to change a light bulb? A: None, Punks can't change a thing. (Thanks to Odind)

5) Q: How many Straight-Edge kids does it take to drink a case of beer? A: One, if no one's looking. (Big thanks to Odind)

6) Q: What has 8 arms and kills its girlfriend? A: Squid Vicious.

7) Q: Why did the punk rocker cross the road? A: He was stapled to a chicken.

8) Q: How many punks does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Five. One to do it and four to write a zine about it. (thanks to Katatonic)

9) Q: How many Straight Edges does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: None, they don't screw (thanks to Katatonic)

10) Q: How many Rudeboys does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: 4. One to drop it and 3 to "pick it up! pick it up! pick it up!" (thanks to Mr. Macunas)

11) Q: How many Skinheads does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: 10. 1 to screw it in and 9 to watch his back. (thanks to Mr. Macunas)

12) Q: How many skaters does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Two, one to do it and one to film it. (thanks to J.L. Read from Texas)

13) Q: What do you call a skinhead fish? A: An Oi-ster.

14) Q: How many Punks does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: 20. 1 to screw it in and 19 to call him a sellout. (thanks to Milo)

15) Q: How many Emo kids does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: None, they're all to depressed to do it. (thanks to Avery)

16) Q: How many punks does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: 2 - 1 to screw it in and the other to kick the chair out from under him. (thanks to Jared)

17) Q: How many punks does it take to change a light bulb? A: 10. 1 to change the bulb and 9 on the guest list. (thanks to Steve S.)

18) Q: How many Emo kids does it take to change a light bulb? A: 5. 1 to change it and 4 to pass out lyrics. (thanks to Steve S.)

19) Q: What do you call a Punk without a girlfriend? A: Homeless. (thanks to Evileye)

20) Q: How many Punks does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: None. Punks only screw in a puddle of vomit (Dan Burrito says this joke kills amongst Mississippi Drunk Rockers)

21) Q: What's a Street Punk's favorite seafood? A: Crust-acean. (Thanks to Taucreti)

22) Q: How do you get a one-armed Punk out of a tree? A: Throw him a beer. (Thanks to Taucreti)

23) Q: How do you get a Punk out of a bathtub? A: Turn on the water. (Thanks to Taucreti)

24) Q: What do you call a Gutter Punk's weather-proofed home? A: A dry dumpster (Thanks to Dreagus)

25) Q: Where do you find all the Gutter Punks after a hard rain? A: In the sewer 'cause they've been washed down a drain. (Thanks to Dreagus)

26) Q: How many Riot Grrrls does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: None. They just have the men do it for them. (Thanks to Nils)

27) Q: What do you call a bunch of Skinheads playing classical music? A: An Oi!chestra. (Thanks to Nils)

28) Q: Why do anarchists drink only herbal tea? A: Because proper tea is theft. (Thanks to Karen)

29) Q: What do you call the President's son if he's a Skinhead? A: The First B"Oi". (Thanks to Buzbee)

30) Q: What's the difference between a hippie and a trampoline? A: You take off your boots before you jump on a trampoline. (Thanks to Karen)

31) Q: What do you call a bunch of Skinheads at the bottom of the ocean ? A: A good start. (Thanks to Karen)

32) Q: Three drunken Skinheads jump off a roof. One Skin had been drinking Guinness, the second Fosters and the third Skin enjoyed Blatz. Which one hits the ground first? A: Who the hell cares? (Thanks to Karen)

33) Q: How many punks does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: 21. 1 to hold the light bulb and 20 to drink until the room spins! (Thanks to Dan)

34) Q: How many punks does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: 3. 1 to screw in the light bulb, one to kick the ladder out and one to laugh. (Thanks to Vim The Grim)

35) Q: How many punks does it take change a light bulb?
A: 4. one to stand on a chair to screw it in, one to kick the chair out from him, one to say how punk rock that was, and the 4th to say, "shut the fugg up, mike" (don't know who Mike is but thanks to lunamoth and mas)

36) Q: How many Goths does it take to change a light bulb?
A: one. they're all alone. or.....none. they like to sit in the dark. hundred. 1 to put in a new one & drop the old one on the floor, and 99 to slit their wrists on the broken glass. (Thanks to lunamoth and mas)

37) A young punker gets on the cross-town bus. He's got spiked, multicolored hair that's green, purple, and orange. His clothes are a tattered mix of leather and rags. His legs are bare and he's without shoes. His entire face and body are riddled with piercings and his earrings are big, bright feathers. He sits down in the only vacant seat, directly across from an old man who just glares at him for the next ten miles. Finally, the punk gets self conscious and barks at the old man, "What are you looking at you old fart? Didn't you ever
do anything wild when you were young?" Without missing a beat, the old man replies, "Yeah! Back when I was young and in the Navy, I got really drunk one night in Singapore and I fugged a parrot. I thought maybe you were my son." (Thanks to PlanckZoo)

38) Two straight edge guys were out walking home from work one afternoon. "S--t," said the first guy, "as soon as I get home, I'm gonna rip the wife's underwear off!" "What's the rush?" his mate asked. "The fugging elastic in the legs is killing me," he replied. (Thanks to the mighty Allen Wrench)

39) A punk, A skin, and a mod walk into a bar. The bartender hands them each a beer with a fly in it. The mod turns the beer away. The punk just drinks the beer in spite of the fly, and the skin grabs the fly by the wings and yells " spit it out! spit it out you bastard!" (Thanks to Jonny NOgood Nick)

40) Q: What do you call a punk hitchhiker? A: Stranded. (Thanks to DBM)

41) Q: How many goths does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: 2, one to do the work and the other to tell her how goth she is for doing it. (Thanks to joni luvs chaji)

42) Q: How do you hide money from a Hippie?
A: Hide it under the soap. (Thanks to invisible7)

43) Q: How many goths does it take to change a light bulb? A: None– they light candles. (Thanks to Dustin)

44) Q: How do you get a goth out a tree? A: Cut the rope. (Thanks to Dustin)

45) Q: How do The Damned drink their Scotch? A: Neat Neat Neat. (Thanks to Sir Yonts)

46) Q: How many times does a skinhead laugh at a joke? A: Three...once when he hears it, once when it's explained to him, and once when he gets it. (Thanks to Sir Yonts)

47) Q: How do you wake up a Gutter Punk? A: Open the car door. (Thanks to Anna)

48) Q: How do you know when a Gutter Punk has been to your house? A: He's still there. (Thanks to EBAG76)

49) Q: How many Mods does it take to change a light bulb? A: Four. One to change it and 3 to watch out for punks? (Thanks to Ska Drumz)

50) Q: What's so tragic about four ravers driving off a cliff in a Honda Civic? A: The car seats five (Thanks to Rehtaeh)

51) A priest and a Rabbi walk into a bar. The bartender asks, "either of you know how to starve a punk?" The priest looks at the rabbi, the rabbi looks back. They both shrug. "Hide his food stamps under his work boots!" (Thanks to Kirk, after much coaching)

52) Q: How many Berkeley Riot Girrls does it take to screw in a light bulb? 2, one to screw in the light and another to say how much better it was than if a man did it. (Thanks to Nukebrew)

53) Q: What kind of soap does a skinhead wash with? A: Oi of Olay!!!! (Thanks to Nukebrew)

54) Q: What does a skinhead buy at the grocery store?? A: Chips-A-Oi! (Thanks to Emily for the post)

55) Q: How does a (racist) skinhead tie his shoes? In little Nazis. (Thankee to Polly Sugartree)

56) Q: How many skinheads does it take to screw in a light bulb? 5, One to screw it in and the rest to explain he's not a nazi cos he did it. (Thankee to Björn in Sweden)

57) Q: What's orange and looks good on hippies? Fire. (Thank hew to John Maxwell)

58) Q: what does the bumper sticker on a skin's car say? A:
"My Boss was an Austrian Painter". (Danka to ejg ejg)

59) Q: Why was the Dead Boy groupie frigid? A: Cause she was below Zero. (Special belch to Marina Lutz. The joke's funny because Jimmy Zero was in the Dead Boys. Ha ha ha... oy just forget it)

60) Q: Why did Stiv Bators cross the road? A: Cause he was fugging the chicken. (Marina Lutz made this up on the spot and then followed it with "Will this do?")

61) Q: Why did the punk cross the road? A: Who cares? fugg you! (J. Alvarado thinks he's the first person to make this up on his own)

62) Q: How many goths does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: What does it matter? We're all gonna die anyway. (Thanks to J. Alvarado for making up a joke off the top of his head)

63) Q: What does a Vegan Skinhead Eat? A: SOI!. (Thanks to Kate Amos for adding "haha yes i rule)

64) Q: How can you tell a genuine punk band from a bunch of poseurs? A:  The poseurs remember to bring their instruments. (From Stan The Man)

65) Punk Definition of a Newbie: Anybody I didn't recognize at my first gig. (From Stan The Man But Not On Weekends)

66) Punk Definition of True Love - when a punk gets down on his knees, holds your hand, looks you in the eyes, and asks if his band can sleep at your place tonight... (From Stan, The Man First Thing Again Monday Morning)

67) Q: What do you call punks who learn how to play their instruments? A:  Sell-outs. (From Stan The Man Who Ain't Foolin' Anybody!)

68) Q: What's the difference between a white power skin and a computer? A: You only gotta punch information in a computer once. (A big snap of the suspenders to SkinGlory)

69) Q: How many emo kids does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: None! let them cry in the dark. (A big phonetic ThaingQue to AyeQue)

70) Q: How many emo kids does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: 3. One to screw it in, one to cry about it, and one to write a journal entry. (Aye...QUE!!!! (bless you)

71) Q: What is 300 ft long and has no pubic hair? A: the line outside a blink 182 show
(To Zak - thanks)

72) Q: What does "emo" stand for? A: Ex-Members Of (Thanks to Zak)

73) Q: What's 20 feet long and has no balls? A: The font row of a Promise Ring show. (yo to Vinnie)

74) Q: What's a shame about a bus load of skins going off a cliff? A: An empty seat. (annuder yo to Vinnie)

75) A punk and a "normal" guy are walking down the street one day.  The punk is in classic form; six inch blue liberty spikes, plaid bondage pants, leather jacket with band names scribbled all over it, etc.  The normal guy turns to the punk and asks, "So just exactly what is punk anyway?" The punk emphatically replies, "Man, punk is doing whatever you want, whenever you want to and not giving a s--t what anybody else see that
trash can right there?"  The punk walks over to a nearby trashcan and kicks it over, spilling garbage all over the sidewalk.  "That's punk." The normal guy ponders this as they continue to walk down the sidewalk.  The next trash can they come to, the normal guy steps up and gives a kick, sending garbage flying everywhere.  He turns to the punk, "So that's punk, huh?" The punk replies, "No, that's trendy." (Danka to Richard Hawes)

76) Q. What did the knife say while listening to The Ramones? A. I wanna be serrated! (tanks to Cole Pershing)

77) Q: What's the most common punk digestive malady? A: Reflux of Pink Indians. (Thanks, frosty Robert)

78) Q: What do you call a skinhead from Chicago who has the flu? A: An Illin' Oi!

79) A drunk punk comes into a church and walks towards the althar with the candles. Once there he starts to blow the out. A priest sees him and shouts "Ah, you antichrist, what are you doing, stop it!" to what the punk answers "Leave me alone, it's my birthday!" (Thanks to Gheorghe)

80) Q. Why did crass breakup? A. They lost their stencil.

81) A punk, a skinhead, and a mod all go into a bar to get a beer. They each get a beer with a fly in it. The mod turns the beer down. The punk drinks the beer anyway with the fly in it. The skinhead takes out the fly and yells "spit it out you bastard!"

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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #35 on: May 02, 2012, 03:29:54 AM »
A turbacon: chicken, duck, turkey, inside a pig...


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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #36 on: May 02, 2012, 03:33:14 AM »
Just the Idea is wrong. It's F'n disgusting!
Now on a lighter note... How many dead babies can you fit in a standard "carry on bag"?
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #37 on: May 02, 2012, 03:41:03 AM »
Just the Idea is wrong. It's F'n disgusting!
Now on a lighter note... How many dead babies can you fit in a standard "carry on bag"?
A lot! Grind 'em up first...


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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #38 on: May 02, 2012, 03:45:26 AM »
You Must be in Iowa.
I would have said... It depends on how long they've been in the blender.
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #39 on: May 02, 2012, 05:49:05 AM »
You Must be in Iowa.
I would have said... It depends on how long they've been in the blender.

Maybe in my past life.. or maybe too much TV.... 

What's with Iowa anyway....


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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2012, 08:29:38 AM »
I didn't want to Dis you by claiming Jersey. Besides No one lives in Iowa. It is like the armpit of America. Just a bunch of Quarterbacks/cheerleaders/people that no one else wants. I think Jeffery Dahlmer was in Iowa once, and look how that turned out.
There is only one true state... New York! all the rest are wannabees.
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2012, 08:39:24 AM »
No one lives in Iowa. It is like the armpit of America. Just a bunch of Quarterbacks/cheerleaders/people that no one else wants.

Oh I see, I don't think I lived in Iowa even during my past life. 


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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #42 on: May 02, 2012, 08:52:02 AM »
I didn't want to Dis you by claiming Jersey. Besides No one lives in Iowa. It is like the armpit of America. Just a bunch of Quarterbacks/cheerleaders/people that no one else wants. I think Jeffery Dahlmer was in Iowa once, and look how that turned out.
There is only one true state... New York! all the rest are wannabees.

Dahmer. They call him The Milwaukee Cannibal. :)
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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #43 on: May 02, 2012, 08:56:50 AM »
Cannibal huh! You have cannibals in the U.S. of A??? and Zombie thinks eating pig's brain and chicken guts in my country is gross?


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Re: 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
« Reply #44 on: May 02, 2012, 09:19:43 AM »
Well I do have to admit to eating a girl now and then. I guess its all in the way you are raised. I'd never eat a pig! :-*
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...

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