Author Topic: Possible to access air/fuel mix screw on Agility 125 with only seat well out?  (Read 10103 times)


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Carb intake

Is that the same as the intake manifold? If so, I'll be replacing that on Thursday or Friday.


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No. The other side of the carb!
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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I replaced the carb diaphragm and the scooter started fine. I then tried replacing the intake manifold. I took off the old manifold and everything looked fine but decided to try putting on the new one anyway. It didn't fit (couldn't screw down the two nuts all the way to fully secure it) so I put the old one back on. Now the scoot won't start!!! It cranks but doesn't go anywhere. All hoses appear to be in place just fine. I'll try taking off the manifold and putting it back on, but this definitely sucks.

Help, please!


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I replaced the carb diaphragm and the scooter started fine. I then tried replacing the intake manifold. I took off the old manifold and everything looked fine but decided to try putting on the new one anyway. It didn't fit (couldn't screw down the two nuts all the way to fully secure it) so I put the old one back on. Now the scoot won't start!!! It cranks but doesn't go anywhere. All hoses appear to be in place just fine. I'll try taking off the manifold and putting it back on, but this definitely sucks.

Help, please!

And... in one of the more embarrassing moments of my life I admit that I just spent 2.5 hours ridiculously frustrated, only to figure out that I had accidentally hit the kill switch at some point prior. A mechanic friend reassured me that it's a mistake that everyone makes precisely one time in their life, but man, what an emotional roller coaster of a night!

Time to go check this thing out on the road.


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The latest news:

- The scooter runs just fine and it seems as though it doesn't sputter / consider dying at stops anymore. The ride wasn't terribly long so it's possible that it was just kidding about this :-)

- The surging issue is still there and it's now occurring at WOT / a bit under WOT around 45 MPH, whereas previously it only occurred at WOT above 50 MPH. A friend who knows bike engines should be coming over sometime in the next few days and hopefully we can figure something out. I'm guessing that it is related to the intake manifold, though, if that's the main thing that I played around with today (other than the diaphragm).


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Im glad you got it running again , running more of the seafoam and fresh gas through your system might still help out your issues . Good luck and enjoy your scoot !   P.S. I have had the same accident with the kill switch , it happens more often than you would think .                                                                                                                                                                         
« Last Edit: May 12, 2012, 04:32:06 PM by juice »

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