Welcome Kymco Owners!
I love how you use a broad stroke when describing those from the hills as "typically considered to be right-wing, religious, backward, not too educated, stubborn" Is it only those that disagree with you that get labeled this way or is everyone from the hills this way, and how did you verify this? Sounds pretty closed minded to me that one would not consider their views as sincere to them.And as for the "minister of interior affairs, is that the same as being in the closet? LOL!!!
In countries where there is no dictatorship, "minister of internal affairs" is in fact a chief of police overseeing police force work, an independent figure. I hope you do not live in a dictatorship, or a country where one person is pulling all the strings because they generally do not have that figure in the government.As for you being worried about anti-homo bigots, the people I am talking about are equal to hillbillies, rednecks or hicks, whatever you call them.If you want to see pictures of those people attacking Gay Pride people, here are some pictures:http://www.aktual.hr/Resource/CropAndResize?url=%257e%252fCms_Data%252fContents%252faktual%252fFolders%252fSlike%252fVIJESTI%252fOSTALO%252f%257econtents%252fTBBJWX2TW8A35MDS%252fgaypride-moskva-afp625.jpg&x=0&y=0&width=800&height=506&destWidth=612&destHeight=0http://www.novilist.hr/var/novilist/storage/images/vijesti/hrvatska/bocama-kamenjem-petardama-i-uvredama-na-rivi-docekani-sudionici-gay-pridea/gay-pride-u-splitu-1-foto-ante-cizmic/552713-1-cro-HR/Gay-pride-u-Splitu-1-Foto-Ante-Cizmic_ca_large.jpghttp://static.nacional.hr/img/9a2b2f1d0f650d93fdcbc188d464b762_700x550.jpgAnd my favorite: http://www.google.hr/imgres?start=98&hl=hr&client=opera&hs=VZk&sa=X&rls=en&channel=suggest&biw=1647&bih=967&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=VYlyOQhg_o3QXM:&imgrefurl=http://www.balconn.com/site/dnevnik/vijesti-aktivizam/934-i-ovakav-pride-je-pomakao-granice.html&docid=YhvG1pqinPSjmM&imgurl=http://www.balconn.com/site/images/stories/vijesti_aktivizam/split-pride-01.jpg&w=900&h=590&ei=4Q_RT4fvJ-W64AS_mZSMDw&zoom=1These guys are generally just a notch above monkies and they are preparing riots for the Pride next weekend again.
Not all. I said that in that particular city there are some great people who are not these illiterate backward thugs planning to throw Molotov cocktails at gays.This particular city and area around it is a strange mixture of people from surrounding hills (typically considered to be right-wing, religious, backward, not too educated, stubborn)
Sorry I read this as meaning everyone from the hills are as you described above, not sure how I mistook it.
How do you silence a crying baby fag?Stick a pacifier up his ass!!!!!!on topic..