I've been crazy busy lately, sorry for not updating this... I posted this on SI a few days ago so to save time I'm copy/pasting...
I stole a few hours for myself today. The plan was to mock up the Ign.. More delays... There is a mount plate that the stator attaches to. That fit. The countersunk holes(to recess the mount machine screws) are too small to flush the heads of the screws. Also I had to cut the screw length. Ok plate mounted. Now the stator does not sit in the right position because the holes in the mount plate are mis aligned. Drill/tap/counter sink new holes. I assembled the fan on the adapter. No issue. Now the adapter on the rotor... Issue. The fan bolts are too long, and hit the rotor. Remove/cut. Install again. Get ready for this... The rotor they sent as the second/correct rotor does not fit the crank! Again. I measured my fat end of the taper, and have 14.5.. Their smallest rotor has 15,5mm. Yet it is listed for the ZX Super Fever! So rotor in hand I rolled down to the machine shop, and chucked up th rotor to take 2mm off the inside (fat end of taper). Now it sits snug on the crank but is below the stator so the Fan adapter will not install. Sooooo The way this is going I may wind up tossing their inner rotor kit. ^%Too many issues so far. They are on Vaca for two more weeks. Rat Bastards.
I know I can machine a taper adapter to correct this but it needs to be 1mm thick at a 5.5* taper. I'm sure I can cut the inside taper but cutting the outside, and then cutting off from the stock will be hell. For a 500.00 dollar kit I'm not too impressed.
Josh... Do you know the od of your crank at the fat end of the rotor taper? The Var end is the same so I would THINK the flywheel end is too!
Addicted to 2 stroke 50cc:
I don't use the choke. I warm my fuel in a spoon, and inject it into the vacuum line.
I think I figured an easy fix for the rotor... Plain sheet stock. I can install the woodruff key, and wrap a 1mm thick band around cutting it to fit up to the key on either side. Easy deal. The HPI rotor does not use a key so I can simply use the key as filler with the new band. I was thinking hard steel to avoid wear but actually I think soft aluminum may act as a gasket or seal of sorts, and actually hold better. Vibration should be no more an issue than on a head gasket or such. The only part left is mounting the rotor, and making the frame brace... Glad I figured this one out. Waiting on parts sucks.
Yeah maybe I didn't mention... I emailed to Thank the guys at HPI for getting the remaining parts out to me, and got a Vacation email in return. They are gone till the 29th Aug. A few more parts coming, and a new air shock for the rear.
http://www.mawsolutions.com/html/fournales_shock_absorbers.html It's the only thin shock I could find to work with the Diablo tire's width. My Tach, and the shock are the last two big pieces. Lots of small stuff tho... Rear brake cable, CVT cover gaskets, front wheel bearings, a few more replacement led's for the gauges.
I can count the oem pieces on one hand. Everything is new oem or after market. Wheels/handlebars/front brake master cyl/levers are the only unchanged parts. I've lost my mind...