I think the only time Skad gets involved is when even us derelicts find something offensive. I remember someone put up kiddie porn once, and maybe a spam post or two but otherwise I have never had an issue here.
Why complain about people writing sh**, and getting along?
Now I do see where Josh's sight is neat, and tidy... Easy to follow threads..., and just for facts/handshaking. This sight is easier to hang around, and wait for a sincere poster looking for help. I can't hang on the last fact for too long. We do get alot done here. Like the style? Maybe not. Dig the results.... Don't even argue that one.
Plus all the money we have saved people here. I personally have set up three accounts to give us discounts. Stadium Yamaha 10-15%/Scooter parts International 10%/ and Treatland Tv 10%. I am still working on Parts for Scooters 10% (they want to see the traffic). Plus I have posted my price sheets for Tadia motors Taiwan, and have offered to pass my savings on all the top brand performance parts (personal wholesale account). If anyone needs to bitch aim it at the other bitch'ers. You all have such thin skin a flame war would end in seconds with no winner. Double KO is what I'm saying!