I wish no ill will towards any riders. 08087 and I may not see eye-to-eye on political issues, but I wish him the best of luck on his scooter test. Still, I do shake my head at the kind of riders Wiz described. If you're single with no immediate family -- no one who will be made into an accidental caretaker if you are in a life changing accident -- such as a spouse, mother, father, etc ... -- then hey, knock yourself out (not literally). But if you have dependents or family members who care about you than I don't see the need to take such a huge risk.
I've heard the nay-sayers talk about how a full-face helmet cuts off your vision, or hearing -- not true. Or that a full face helmet is too expensive. Try this (it worked for me), save up you money to buy one. I purchased mine for $150.00. My only criticism is that they can be hot in the summer when waiting in traffic (my wive says it's like strapping a ski boot to your head) but I just open the visor and vents. However, they keep my face and head warm in colder weather.
The choice of wearing a half-helmet (brain bucket) is ultimately the riders, but I think one should be clear on the real protection they are giving you. It would be like wearing a nipple clamp and calling it a bullet-proof vest.