I wondered when it would happen and it did yesterday. With a friend on his motorcycle, we hit the road on a great looking day but than...."Rode In The Rain". I planned for the possibility so placed my wallet in a zip-lock, dry jersey in the box and my camera in the box in a large zip-lock just in case. The box is water proof. With the rain coming down and in a wooded area road way with no place to pull off but under trees we didn't chance the lightning and kept riding. Rain stinging and wetting but visibility good being I had rain-x'd my mask. It was so hot and the rain actually felt good and thought the only thing I am worried about is if the bike would quit. No, it went through the rain...no problem and we were but very careful on the curves so we wouldn't slip out. Yes I had a cheap poncho under the seat but felt what the heck...not going to use it. So, this was a good experience and no harm done. One member on here wrote to go ride it now and that I did!!