Author Topic: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?  (Read 3313 times)


  • 09' Peoples 200, NJ
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Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« on: May 30, 2012, 10:35:55 PM »

OK We are mostly all aware of the Fukashima nuclear reactor disaster. If another earthquake hits that area and the reactor splits in half, do you stay where you are or move south of the equator?

The thought is that the radiation and all its wonders will spread across the pacific ocean, and wipe out everything in its path. With winds blowing mostly west to east would you stay in the state of Hi. or mainland US if this happens?

I'm thinking of buying a plot of land in South America just in case, what do you say and what would you do?
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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2012, 12:08:40 AM »
If you had a government that cared about you all then you wouldnt need to worry, they would be pouring resources at Japan to get it sorted out before anything could happen.

Do you think you would ever get a flight out in time anyway if another quake happened and you did have land in S.America? Think half of the US would be looking to get the way out too? You would hope your government would evacuate that coast in that scenario anyway?

Nuclear power, yeah its safe, trust us.  ???

"Nothing to worry about, the radiation levels are perfectly safe. Just go about your business, its all fine. Dont worry", expect lots of this on tv if the sh!t does go down.
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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2012, 12:37:00 AM »
If you had a government that cared about you all then you wouldnt need to worry, they would be pouring resources at Japan to get it sorted out before anything could happen.

Do you think you would ever get a flight out in time anyway if another quake happened and you did have land in S.America? Think half of the US would be looking to get the way out too? You would hope your government would evacuate that coast in that scenario anyway?

Nuclear power, yeah its safe, trust us.  ???

"Nothing to worry about, the radiation levels are perfectly safe. Just go about your business, its all fine. Dont worry", expect lots of this on tv if the sh!t does go down.

It's hard in a forum to tell just how something is ment, I don't think my gov. cares too much about us but in all actuallity they have poured heavy amounts of money on this problem, unlike what happened after Chernoble (spelling).
Getting a flight out, well the radiation would not hit us right away, it would take a few days at least and maybe enen greater then a week. I live on the east coast of the US so I'd be out of here right away and allow all of my dumb American counter parts to stay behind (yes this is an American saying American's are dumb).

There are other ways of getting to So. America also, fly across the Atlantic, then to So. America from there. I don't currently own any property outside the US but a peice of land outside the city of say Lima would be cheap enough to buy and hold if nothing ever happened. Maybe 5K for a vacant plot. My wife was born in Peru so that makes us staying there that much easier.
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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2012, 01:00:24 AM »
Man you got to come up with something better. Japan is a toxic wast dump. That particular plant is like giving a whiskey drinker a beer. Of course If I lived there I would have left already. Most of what crosses the pacific comes as an influence of the Jet Stream so any fallout would be mainly northern Calli, and up into the Artic. Of course it could be the end of life here.
For the people of Japan to leave their homes... I don't see it happening. Their's is a strong culture that will die at home. Americans, and Britts are the only cowardice people I have known. (must be all the Anglo guilt)
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2012, 01:22:44 AM »
Americans, and Britts are the only cowardice people I have known. (must be all the Anglo guilt)

What is cowardice about preserving life at all cost, I think it's the brave thing to do. It wouldn't be easy to leave everything behind and move to a strange land for the sole purpose of living out ones life in peace and harmony.

Or sacraficing everything you have so that your children may live a better, longer healthier life in another land.
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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2012, 01:31:56 AM »
What I mean is while people in the US are building bomb shelters there are others outside trying to repair the problem. Join the front lines is all I meant
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2012, 03:13:04 AM »
Whatever will be, will be.   If you move, your plane might crash, or your boat may sink, or a coconut may fall on your head. Best to stay put!!! Lol!!! Just joking guys!!!  My answer is, it  really depends on a lot of factors,.. too many to list.

The Philippines is struck by typhoon more that 20 times a year. I was a victim of a big mud flood in Sept. 2009. 15 feet of mud gobbled my house with my 2 kids inside (Wife and I were at work) lost one car and one scoot. and almost everything inside. Good I have a second floor where my kids stayed. I thought everything was gone.  Every typhoon since then haunts us. Not good!  Move? Nah! Why? I don't know.
House now has new paint and furnishings. I think we just love this home...


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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2012, 04:30:14 AM »
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2012, 08:07:38 AM »
OK We are mostly all aware of the Fukashima nuclear reactor disaster. If another earthquake hits that area and the reactor splits in half, do you stay where you are or move south of the equator?
Tschernobyl was only 1000 miles away and in those days we had wind from that direction. The increased radiation was measurable in Germany, some foods like wild mushrooms even exceeded the radiation limits, but the danger was very very vague. Just stay home for vacations, don't take a flight (natural high radiation in altidude!) and you could compensate for Tschernobyl radiation.
Imho our civilisation (including social welfare like free medical treatment on a high level, justice and safety) overcompensate the Tschernobyl radiation by million times.


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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2012, 08:16:22 AM »
Tschernobyl was only 1000 miles away and in those days we had wind from that direction. The increased radiation was measurable in Germany, some foods like wild mushrooms even exceeded the radiation limits, but the danger was very very vague. Just stay home for vacations, don't take a flight (natural high radiation in altidude!) and you could compensate for Tschernobyl radiation.
Imho our civilisation (including social welfare like free medical treatment on a high level, justice and safety) overcompensate the Tschernobyl radiotion by million times.

I respectfully disagree there ts1. I live in Scotland, the Chernobyl cloud passed right over Europe and then Scotland, we were advised to stay indoors and close our windows ??? It contaminated land up north here, land used by sheep and cattle farmers. That land is still monitored today, 20+yrs later. Farmers couldnt sell sheep or lamb as their grazing land was/is contaminated with radiation which passed to the animals and radiated them once they ate. They were in effect quarantined, the livestock and farmland.

Also thyroid problems have grown in most, if not all, countries affected by the cloud. Co-incidence? I doubt it  :-\
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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2012, 08:31:22 AM »
We have environment monitoring systems everywhere too. They are sensitive enough to detect detect any outbreak.
WHO and IAEA made several extrapolations, i.e.;jsessionid=BC0E9E6E8170BBEE35EA3791BA3BA3F4.d01t03
(already complete Europe and over many decades! And certainly Western Europe less influenced)
Now compare with the blood toll of traffic, alcohol, nicotin, overweight, cardiovascular defects and other threads - in a single country and per year!

In Germany we have about 400000 new cancer diseases per year and on average 55% healing.
Maybe in a similar big southern hemisphere population there would be "only" 399900 new cancer diseases/year.
But would you suggest that their social welfare is comparable? (The only possible alternative Australia has it's ozone gap and increased skin cancer.)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 08:41:53 AM by ts1 »


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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2012, 08:48:49 AM »
Since moving is a major decision that will take time, lots of effort and money, it's best to study where to move to. It must be an almost perfect place away from the sea to avoid tidal waves, away from rivers to avoid floods, away from earthquake fault lines, away from volcanoes - active and dormant, away from mountains with bandits and wild animals and to avoid mudslides, away from flat lands to avoid tornadoes, away from high places to avoid the cold, ice, and avalanches, away from the big cities filled with drug addicts and muggers, etc.  Who knows, you might just find a good place... If not, stay...


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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2012, 09:52:15 AM »
We have environment monitoring systems everywhere too

I talking about guys in white suits walking around the countryside with Gieger counters clicking away  :o

I live in Strathclyde, one of the areas affected, and i have little doubt it did a lot of us harm, my wife had thyroid problems and had to have her thyroid removed. I blame Chernobyl for that. Restrictions were only fully lifted in 2010. Estimates of the death toll vary wildly, from 50- 1,000,000 people depending who you believe. Even if we take an average of 400,000-500,000, its scarey stuff. The nuclear industry, like big oil, has a huge lobbying capabilities and do use that to mis-inform, confuse and divert attention from the truth about their "product".

I dont want ANY unneccessary radiation in my body. Imo there is no need for nuclear power anyway, we cant deal with the waste so bury it as a legacy for our children to deal with, the old outta sight outta mind mentallity. We can run off far safer power sources that are cheaper in the long run than the nuclear industry which is highly subsidised by us all. Scotland aims to be producing ALL our electricity needs from renewables by 2020 which is totally achieveable and compared to nuclear is totally safe.
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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2012, 10:22:17 AM »
I talking about guys in white suits walking around the countryside with Gieger counters clicking away  :o
60 stationary geiger tubes (i.e. on the Schauinsland mountain in the black forest) experienced an average increase of 1/100000 becquerel /m³ in the German air shortly after Fukushima. Chernobyl polluted Europe much more, but we are often speaking of amounts a handheld geiger tube (operating only for some minutes in this and that location) tube won't recognize and analyse (which radioisotop/disintegration) or gather credible statistical data. (only in German, but you get the idea that it's not primitive)
In fact I believe our technical bureaus. Germany is not a hardcore fan of nuclear power (like perhaps France), in fact is beeing blamed for their exit strategy, I see no reason to deny a real nuclear danger.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 10:30:08 AM by ts1 »


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Re: Fukashima, do you move or stay put?
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2012, 01:11:35 PM »
Well the Scottish government has said no new nuclear power stations will be built on Scottish soil. England still plan on using them tho. From what ive read Germany has really invested heavily in renewables recently with large subsidies for solar etc which i full applaud. Wish more nations would follow us.

I am 100% anti-nuclear. If it was our only means of power then obviously i would have to concede that we needed it, but it isnt, and we dont. The risks and dangers outweighs any short-term benefits or gains, and as i pointed out the waste is also a major problem still too.

This was being discussed on our news last night. In England they niw want to move some of the waste to new underground storage to protect from terrorist attacks. It was pointed out that you wont get a terrorist flying a plane into a solar plant, he may want to hit a nuclear plant tho? Perfect wmd for them and they dont even need to build it themselves!

Go green  :)

But dont buy a Prius  :D
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