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hello, i put in my agility R16 the main jet K82 as office manual. but at 55km/h it don't go over. But, if i close half of air hole (behind air filter) it goes up to 65km/h. is there any method to set the air without increase main jet?thank you
Im having a similar problem I think we need to get a new air filter but im not sure noone wants to answer my question I had some asshole mock me on my post it was pretty crappy
..you really need to increase the main jet size...if you're blocking half of the air flow into the carb to make it run better, then your mixture is probably very lean, and you stand to damage your piston...
when you say blocking half of the air flow into the carb you refer at a small screw on the carb ? the one which needs to be at 2 and a half revolution?
i am curious how I can block my air filter to see if it works in my case .