Don't know how "scientific" this observation is, but I just completed a motorcycle safety course for experienced riders. It was me (with my GTi300) and two younger dudes (in their 30's -- I'm 59) both riding very nice Harleys. Even though I've only got 5 years experience riding two-wheelers (an only one month on my Kymco) I was able to negotiate the exercises (quick-stopping, cone-weaving, 2x4 jumping, tight/fast turns and obstacle avoidance) somewhat better than the guys on their Harleys. I think no small part of that was not having to worry about a clutch and shifting gears while doing these exercises. Plus the GTi just seemed generally nimbler in its handling (being about 300 pounds lighter certainly helps). But my impression is that if these exercises are typical of emergency situations required to avoid an accident, I'm confident I and my GTi would handle those situations better than these guys on their Harleys.