I just tried to put it together again for the 4th time, and when I gave it trottle it makes a really wierd sound and slowly moves forward. I think I ruined the whole f***ing sh** now. Im f***ing sick of this, I hae done everything right and nothing works.
1st of all dont panic, it prob just a minor issue or fault somewhere in your reassembly.
Did you fit all the rollers back in correctly?
Did you make sure you torqued up the variator nut properly so it cant come loose?
As for the plastic washer thing, i wrongly thought u meant the ramp plate guides not a washer thing. I cant think why you would need the washer so if you fitted that then maybe try without it?
Is the smooth boss length the exact same length as your old one? Exact same? Of its shorter by even 0.5-1mm then you need a washer under the variator nut to space it.
I have a race variator too but not Malossi and mine had no spacer or washer other than the washer that was already under my variator nut?
I doubt you have done anything terminal or bad so try not to worry, we've all been there in the past when we were learning to work on our own scoots.