Author Topic: Chinese scooters  (Read 12864 times)


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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #30 on: June 17, 2012, 02:21:52 PM »
I new you woulden be to far behind with a video zombie.


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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #31 on: June 17, 2012, 02:59:11 PM »
So should I bring a guest? What time? Do we HAVE to leave? Are drugs ok, or is it one of Those parties? Where did you get those cool slippers?
You can bring a guest, 2 pm or so, yes you have to leave, drugs are not OK it is one of those parties it is a BBQ, the cool slippers came from my wife so you'll have to ask her.
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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #32 on: June 17, 2012, 04:21:37 PM »
Didn't mean to imply that a Chinese scooter was bad because the screws were stripped. The owner had ordered it from a kit for $500 dollars and it was assembled. My guess was it could have been stripped when it was put together, or maybe it was rusted shut since it was left outside for about a year.
Anyway a friend of mine who's been riding bikes since he was 12 looked at it with me and we both gave up, even after using a can of Nuts-Off couldn't get the panel screw to loosen. It's a shame because it was a nice scooter.

CE -- are you referring to me as a Oreo? Seriously. So if I'm Black I can't be intelligent? And if I am it's because I'm not really Black? All right, just have to accept you as you are, but get out and meet more people with out preconceived assumptions. But just so you know -- if you had said that to my face (or any Black man's) I'd bash your teeth in and curb-stomp your ass. I haven't said one racist thing to you. You're the one dropping the R-bombs.

If the Oreo comment wasn't meant for me -- disregard the above.

Yeah, I grew up on All in the Family, but still felt insulted by Archie Bunker's views, which pretty much represented the American racist/ignorant mindset that acted as a social mirror. Sure it was funny, but ... just not a fan of bigotry, even if it tries to come across as comedy. I know CE was trying to be funny, but I didn't see it that way -- I think he went too far. If I see something racist I'm not going to help it along its way.

That's just me.


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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #33 on: June 17, 2012, 05:01:31 PM »
All i really know about chinese scooters is theyre made in china. From people i know who had one tjey all said the electrics were not great and they had some minor issues with that. Rust was also a problem on the painted and metal parts. I know a guy with a 2011 chinese scoot at work, his front forks look terrible as does the exposed parts of the frame. Comparedcto my 2008 Agility it looks a lot older and more rough than mine, which still looks reasonably new. This could just be down to our wetter climate here, but my A50 still looks good and has stood up a hell of a lot better in 4.5yrs than his did in 1.5yrs.

Given that chinese parts are of less quality than brandname parts i would assume that chinese scoots made from these parts would be less quality than brandname scoots built from brandname parts? But again thats just an assumption. I reckon for the price, if you want a brand new scoot and wont be using it everyday on in the wet then its not too bad, if you dont mind working on it yourself and keeping on top of it.

On the other thing......... WTF is going on here lately? Is there something in the water? Or is the moon aligned with mars or something? Recently theres been a lot of bad blood and arguements over stupid sh**, its not good. I cant stand racism either and in the real world always call it out if i see or hear it. Personally i wasnt offended by CE's remarks as im not chinese, if i was then i prob may be. I dont think he was intending to sound racist but i guess it could come across that way to some.

They always say dont talk politics, religion or race unless you want an arguement, guess its true. Funny thing is 08's been posting more "dividing" topics now for weeks and then an arguement about racism blows up out of a thread about chinese scoots?

"Dont hate nothin', except hatred" - B.Dylan.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2012, 05:06:40 PM by streido »
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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #34 on: June 17, 2012, 06:43:08 PM »
(or any Black man's) I'd bash your teeth in and curb-stomp your ass. I haven't said one racist thing to you. You're the one dropping the R-bombs.

If the Oreo comment wasn't meant for me -- disregard the above.

Yeah, I grew up on All in the Family, but still felt insulted by Archie Bunker's views, which pretty much represented the American racist/ignorant mindset that acted as a social mirror. Sure it was funny, but ... just not a fan of bigotry, even if it tries to come across as comedy. I know CE was trying to be funny, but I didn't see it that way -- I think he went too far. If I see something racist I'm not going to help it along its way.

That's just me.

Wolf, why all the violence, it helps add to the misconceptions of the angry black man.

Why didn't you point out the Jefferson’s remarks as being as bad as Archie’s, these guys were one in the same, just not the same color. Part of what makes you, you and me, me is our personalities and what helped us developed these personality traits.
Some people say (including myself) that some others are too thin skinned, I have to remind myself that this is part of what makes us different and makes the world a wonderful place.
I'm not happy about some people condemning me for the fact that I look white (which I mostly am) but it happens, I correct it as I come across it but not by slamming each and every MF into the ground. Try reaching out to them and explain where your coming from, you know that old American Indian proverb of walking a mile in the other mans moccasins before you judge him. We can all learn a thing or two from that.

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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #35 on: June 17, 2012, 08:16:10 PM »
You're right, 08 -- never meant to come across as the angry Black man, but some words are just fighting words. Grew up being called that (Oreo) and a lot worse, so old pains die hard. If anyone wants an angry Black man -- just say those words. Other than that, and I'm cool.

And you're correct, the Jeffersons (least George) were no different than All in the Family. I was replying to an earlier post, and so was only thinking of Archie Bunker at the moment.

It was never my intention to make this into a racial flame war, but I found CE's remarks offensive. I've lived on the East coast and the West -- Oakland and LA, and have a number of really good friends who are Asian, so I found the remark hurtful, especially when I know that's the kind of crap they get from people making fun of their culture. One of my recent senior graduates is from the Philippines, who I have a tremendous amount of respect for as he's one of the nicest guys I know who would literally give you the shirt off his back if need be. Another Asian student, who is Chinese, allowed me to use her senior thesis film in a half-hour TV show that I produce. If anything I was thinking of them and many others when I read CE's remark.

So I've said my peace. Sorry if I've made waves and took away the integrity of this thread. I won't reply to anymore responses on my comments about race. CE -- fire away if you want to get anything more off your chest, but for now ... I return you to your normal scheduled scooter discussions  :) .



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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #36 on: June 17, 2012, 09:12:46 PM »
 Wolf I'm glad you’re here, for once it's you being toasted and not me! :D

For what it's worth (I'll fall back on this in the future) my best friend is PR (Puerto Rican for those of you not in the know), and we refer to one another by our backgrounds, he's in Ca. USA and I'm in NJ, when he calls me it's "Hey white man" and I reply, "Portable Rican, pack em up and their ready to go". (his family moved allot).

But he and I would and have done anything for each other over the years, I think anyone with half an oz. of sense knows that race does not matter when it comes to heart and value of character.

Just as many people will judge a country or race as being better then another, "The US is best cause we have 2 cars in every garage". much can be said for countries or civilizations that don't exploited their natural resources life most of Africa or the American Indians, who is to say what is really the best?

Comments will be made but I've not found anyone here to be vindictive with their intent. As for scoots and most things in life you tend to get what you pay for, and if your scoot costs half the price of the other guys most likely it's lacking is some quality.

Peace and love to everyone, this Fathers day thing has got me in a good mode today.
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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #37 on: June 18, 2012, 02:07:15 AM »
(Close friends) = those that understand me without question to my thoughts or motives, took a long time to condition them.

Close friends -  those who just listen because they don't know what crap you're talking about...

back to topic.....

Now, its a bit clearer, If you no nothing about scoots, get a Honda or Yamaha, if you're an expert on scoots, get Chinese, a box of tools and a roll of duct tape.

@Ce---  you're right in saying these scoots will never, never die. I traded my old chinese bike with a mixed labrador, and the new owner loves the bike. 
« Last Edit: June 18, 2012, 02:11:38 AM by Vivo »


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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #38 on: June 18, 2012, 09:14:38 AM »
I thought Ce was calling ME an Oreo. Couldn't figure why but who cares. That would have been my special "first time".
Jaw stomping, teeth breaking, Wolf man! WOW! Who woulda thought! I figured you were an elderly French guy. Since there are no french brothers I never thought you would be black!! That's the coolest social part of the forum in my opinion. The fact that we all speak the same basic language, and have NO CLUE who we are talking to (for the most part). So far I have never even thought about anyones race here. You all know I am an American born Irish lesbian only because I am open about myself here but this sh** is stupid. Now I'm gonna start dis liking people because some of you may be from India! Damn those jerked goat eating people. And those other funny colored people form other places They all suck too. Now see there! I lost all my forum friends because wolf is black WTF!

008... I'll be there at 12:00. I'm not leaving either. You can take the couch.
ps... Get me a bong.
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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #39 on: June 18, 2012, 11:44:10 AM »
Black, born in Upstate New York, and lived all over the country. You know the rest -- messed with the mob, pretty girl, and a price on my head. In the Witness Protection Program in S. Jersey across the river from Philly  ;)



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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #40 on: June 18, 2012, 12:12:34 PM »
Black, born in Upstate New York, and lived all over the country. You know the rest -- messed with the mob, pretty girl, and a price on my head. In the Witness Protection Program in S. Jersey across the river from Philly  ;)

How farupstate we talking? I've got family in and around Liberty NY. Coming from upstate how black can you be??:)
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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #41 on: June 18, 2012, 12:58:09 PM »
Albany. Years later lived in Syracuse where i graduated from high school.



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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #42 on: June 19, 2012, 02:16:20 AM »

zombie is chinese.....


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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #43 on: June 19, 2012, 04:02:24 AM »
Black, born in Upstate New York, and lived all over the country. You know the rest -- messed with the mob, pretty girl, and a price on my head. In the Witness Protection Program in S. Jersey across the river from Philly  ;)


I was in the "Jehova Witness Protection" program myself for about 27 minutes before they found me... Never trust whitey Bro! ;)
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...


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Re: Chinese scooters
« Reply #44 on: June 19, 2012, 05:10:06 AM »
Never trust whitey Bro! Wink

Yup, they're too "nice" to be true... ;D

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