hi . i would like to know if anybody have the knowledge to tell me what amplifier i should buy to feed 12 inch subwoofer , and what Woltage of the speakers should come with it ? ( i'd like it pretty loud, not the " built in mirrors" sound
Oh my, this will get a lot more complex then you ever imagined.
First of all, the terms are "Voltage" and "Wattage", the latter being the power and probably what
you're asking about.
The size of the woofer tells you absolutely nothing about it's power requirements.
You can find the rated power of a loudspeaker usually on the back of it or on the
package. For a 12" woofer, it can be anything from 30W to over 500W. It will also
have a certain resistance value, between 2 and 8 ohms.
When looking at an amplifier, it's power will be rated something like 100W/ch@8ohm,
meaning you get an output of 100 watts per channel (if you have 2 speakers which
is a normal stereo setup) if the loudspeaker is an 8 ohm speaker. To get things even
more complicated, the speakers always changes it's resistance depending on the
tone frequency (read: it can be 2 ohm at low tones and 10 at high tones).
If this value varies more, you need a stronger and more stable (usually more expensive,
not just more watts) amplifier.
And now forget all of this since it has nothing to do with quality or even how loud a
loudspeaker will play.
That's determined by the speaker's efficiency/sensitivity value given in a number like
90dB/W/m, which means it'll play 90dB loud with 1W of power at 1 meter away.
In short, this means a speaker with high sensitivity can play louder with just 1 watt
then some will with 100 watts.
Considering how you put the question together, I'm gonna say you're screwed.
...but feel free to ask if something needs more explaining, if my english is good
enough I'll try..