ok after alot of counting only 13 topics were scooter related, some of which could have been in there scooter related sub forum. 31 topics were general topics. thats a general to scooter ratio of 62 : 26
Thats a start but you need to find out the total number of posts are on scooter related issues. Then you need to look up another members post count and see the % that was scooter related and non scooter related.
For example there culd be a thread with 10 replies, 3 of those replies could be mine related to scoots. then there could be a none related scoot topic with 5 pages of replies with me responding to dozens of posts because it's such a hot topic.
The best thing for someone to do is ignor a person you don't like and they will go away. I don't see anyone ignoring me.